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Whats He Done Now.


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I'm with The Old Git and others who DO think it's important to air these things on the forum, stuck record or not!


We don't have to want to overthrow the Government, but this is a great way to keep the politicians on their toes. I'm sure ours are no more shady than those across, they're just more complacent about it, as the local media apparently doesn't have the resources to do investigative reporting.


I appreciate that Crumlin, FCMR and others have turned skeet into an art form, but I find it surprising that some people here attack them EVEN when they substantiate a rumour.

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Did he get caugth trying to fiddle the tourism development grant?


Did he try to build something that varied in about 20 instances from what he had planning approval to build?


Did he, and does he still continue to flout the planning rules re length of tourism lets?


You may not care about such things but I do. I also care about whether the Energy From Waste plant is a good deal or whether the MEA loans are going to cause economic hardship

If only there was a section called 'Local News' for those sorts of opinions...


I think it's important to point out that they were questions - not opinions. And of course, as voters, we're perfectly entitled to ask questions like these of our elected representatives.

We read - and reply to - threads like this one because we are concerned about things that are happening on our island. We are also entitled, I believe, to express our opinions on these matters - as long as we make it clear that they are our own personal opinions.

It is also helpful when members who have an 'inside track' on certain items provide us with genuine information which has a source - in the public domain -that we can check for ourselves.

It does no credit to the poster, however, when he/she presents a piece of gossip, overheard conversation, or rumour as factual evidence of wrongdoing.

In the absence of any real investigative reporting, we do have to keep asking the questions and proclaiming our opinions to try to prevent such matters being whitewashed away - but we need to do so from as informed a position as we can possibly attain.

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I think it's important to point out that they were questions - not opinions.


Yes, I phrased them as questions that I'd like the answer to so as to not get myself or this site into any trouble. I seem to rember that the answer to question 2 was reported in the local papers (gasp!)

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Yep @ 'questions' in the quoted example.


Most know my opinions in regard to the political scene. I didn't have any interest what so ever about politics until a couple of years ago. At least this Forum and it's predecessors give us a chance to voice concerns, to ask for thoughts and opinions and to potentially be a pain in the ass of the establishment.


As long as posters use common sense, this can, and has proven to be a place for reasoned debate, even if it only makes us 'feel' as if we are in some way involved in the political process.


One of the best things about a written forum is that reading and posting are entirely optional to the user.

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Mr Cannan is asking questions that relate to whistle blowing within Government departments, it may have something to do with the letters that were sent to various MHKs from a Government employee who was concerned with whats going on within Government and at the alegation that the author of the letters was worried about his/her safety.

On an other matter Peter Karran is asking why the Government paid out over £34k to entertain Politicians from Norway when nothing economic could of been gained from the visit.

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OK well it matters for you then mate but not for me.  If you really disagree then band together and overthrow the Government.  If you believe that this is not the way politics are generally conducted then you are naieve in the extreme.  Its only the fact that Manx people have an unhealthy interest in other peoples lives that this becomes public knowledge and therefore "scandalous".


Maybe if we were as critical of ourselves as we appear to be of others then the world would be a better place.


P.S. this post should in no way be construed as incitement to overthrow the Govt! :ph34r:



What on earth is your basis for stating that 'it is a fact that Manx people have an unhealthy interest in other people's lives'? Which particular Manx people are you referring to, or are you lumping us all together? And what evidence do you have that taking an interest in other people's lives is 'unhealthy'? I would have thought the opposite is true in a small society such as ours.


Another uninformed, opinionated comment - amongst the many from you.

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On an other matter Peter Karran is asking why the Government paid out over £34k to entertain Politicians from Norway when nothing economic could of been gained from the visit.


I heard Karran going on about this on the radio and it made my blood boil.

Nothing economic? Our shop was packed with Norwegians when they were over! I wish that awful man would stop and think for just one second before blathering on. Bugger IOM Branding, if they come and visit us they know what we're like and will be more likely to return! Aaaaaaaagh!


(sorry, rant over)

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