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Graffitti . . . .

Jack from Laxey

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One of the beauties still left of this Island is the lack of graffitti. Just go anywhere across especially the Cities and you'll know.


I walked through Douglas the other night and was shocked to see our little urchins had picked up the habit. It can only get worse, this is the start of the ratchet.


This needs severley nipping in the bud.

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I hate graffiti but that is not to say that there is not some brilliant humour from time to time,

My all time favourite and writ on the inside of the door of a public lavatory ---


“Don’t beam me up yet Scotty, I’m having a shi “


With the ‘i’ extended vertically to the top of the door.

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There was a time when the toilets in the Grosvenor Hotel in Athol Street were famous for the graffiti. People actually used to start their night out by having a couple of pints in there just so that they could read it.

As for defacing the outside of buildings, however - if the little b*****s who do it are ever caught, give them a toothbrush and some cleaning fluid and make them waste a load of time cleaning it off. At least it'll give them something to do!

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I was walking along the prom tonight and saw the chalk pictures on the pavement by the war memorial, which I guess was part of the celebrations for the Norwegians.


They were lovely little pictures sketched by children... Is this graffiti or art??

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I was walking along the prom tonight and saw the chalk pictures on the pavement by the war memorial, which I guess was part of the celebrations for the Norwegians.


They were lovely little pictures sketched by children... Is this graffiti or art??



Art most definitely.


But the scrawl across the Manx Legion (one of many examples now appearing) is the work of the result of wayward sperm.

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most 'graffiti' isn't art. most of it is just mindless scrawls - peoples names etc. scribbled by the kind of people who are 16 and have only just managed to write their own names.


It amazes me when i'm on the mainland the amount of effort these idiots go to make these graphical representations of pissing in the corner to mark their territory.


Some of them etch their names etc into train and bus windows and just scratch all over them making it hard even to see out beyound the key valleys dug into the glass.


they will even daub pointless scribbles over graffiti that actually IS art - jealousy i suppose.. tiny tiny jealous minds scared and inward looking, they want to turn everything outside into something they can identify with on the inside - yes, they want to turn it all to sh*t.


Most graffiti is mindless vandalism by mindless oiks that would do better sitting at home and sniffing glue until they die.


0.1% of graffiti is art.

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/from memory...


Isle of Man as the mainland is historically correct. It stems from the Viking age when the Island was the Mainland of the Western Isles (the ones above us just off Scotland).


All the chiefs from those Islands came here to Sodor (Southern Isle) as it was the base for the big meetings and therefore the relevence to the title is to us Islands, NOT to the larger adjacent Isle.


Edited to add:



Scandinavian presence in the Isle of Man began about AD 800 and soon the island became the centre of a Viking kingdom that included the western isles of Scotland at its height. The Isle of Man was a Norwegian dependency right until the King of Norway sold his suzerainty over Man to the Scottish crown in 1266.

Link: Scandinavica.com

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