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28 Days Later - Coronavirus


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Allopathic medicine is now floundering. Their finest hour, antibiotics, is dying a death and all they can come up with for the rest is more drugs. Very sad. Especially for the people who neglect their day to day health then expect their doctor to be some some kind of God and saviour.

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"All gotta die of something." As a consultant at Nobles told an acquaintance of mine after informing him he had 6 months to live with terminal cancer.


Whilst that statement is perfectly true, did they really get told that?


Shocking behaviour from a so called member of the medical profession.

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It's evolution in action. Create an environment rich in ant-microbial agents and natural selection will ensure that microbes resistant to them are favoured. It should be absolutely no surprise.


The doctors very often prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics without diagnosing the actual cause of an infection to confirm whether it will be susceptible to treatment with antibiotics. These tests would take days, and by then the sufferer would either have recovered through the action of their own immune system, or have become acutely ill or even died. So one huge step forward would be tests that diagnose infective agents very quickly, so that antibiotics can be much more targeted.


But it isn't just the medics. The farming industry uses antibiotics widely in animal husbandry, as prophylactics against disease in intensive environments where disease could rapidly wipe out whole flocks of chickens, for example. They also use antibiotics to increase weight gain by changing gut-bacteria. That should be stopped, and better (and more humane) methods used.


Lastly, there needs to be global co-operation and funding to find new anti-microbial agents that work differently to current antibiotics, most have which have been around for many decades.

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"All gotta die of something." As a consultant at Nobles told an acquaintance of mine after informing him he had 6 months to live with terminal cancer.

This is one of the most unusual things about death rates - you cure something and the result has to be an increase in the death rate of something else, because you do have to die of something, and if your not dying of A then it will be B.


Eliminate cancer and watch the death rates for Alzheimer's and heart disease to soar.

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