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Oxford Exploitation Trial

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You cannot get away from the fact that these kids were underage and in care and therefore should have had some level of protection from the state to prevent this sort of thing happening in the first place.


If the system worked properly...........it should not have happened

We can safely say the system is dishonest in the extreme


The courts seem very quick to separate children from parents

The police seem very reluctant to investigate gangs who exploit kids in care

Social workers have a horrific job made impossible by freaky rules


whoever wrote the rules for kids in care and trains social workers should have been in the dock with those nasty men too.


When we have a system which works then we can deal with race and religion and culture, until then these are muddy the water issues.

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Never mind bibles and stuff, I'm not sure how race can be kept out of this seeing that the perpetrators appeared to pick their victims because of their (the victims') race. I detest racism (and picking on minority groups for other reasons) of any sort but perhaps we should remember it can work in the opposite way to it's now accepted meaning.


It comes down to religion - Islam. However, Islam is an Arab supremacist religion which, during its formative centuries, actively discouraged and prevented non-Arab races from joining. They insist you pray to God in Arabic otherwise your prayers will be rejected. Ridiculous. If King James English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.

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Never mind bibles and stuff, I'm not sure how race can be kept out of this seeing that the perpetrators appeared to pick their victims because of their (the victims') race. I detest racism (and picking on minority groups for other reasons) of any sort but perhaps we should remember it can work in the opposite way to it's now accepted meaning.


Ridiculous. If King James English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.

Do you actually read what you type?

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Never mind bibles and stuff, I'm not sure how race can be kept out of this seeing that the perpetrators appeared to pick their victims because of their (the victims') race. I detest racism (and picking on minority groups for other reasons) of any sort but perhaps we should remember it can work in the opposite way to it's now accepted meaning.

It comes down to religion - Islam. However, Islam is an Arab supremacist religion which, during its formative centuries, actively discouraged and prevented non-Arab races from joining. They insist you pray to God in Arabic otherwise your prayers will be rejected. Ridiculous. If King James English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.

Islam, in its ''formative centuries'' gave non-adherents a choice; convert or pay the Jizyya (or tax). Failing that they'd cut your head off. Nothing's really changed there then. It started as a 'Blood-cult' and remains so, in many ways. Obsessed with death, as the a-hadiths attest to.


The King James bible was translated from two languages, mainly.

The Old testament from Hebrew, the New from Greek.

The Apocrypha would seem to be a mixture of the two.

Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, doesn't come into it.

Why do you think that is, TJ?

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Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, doesn't come into it.

Why do you think that is, TJ?


Actually, it did come in to it. There were earlier texts written in Aramaic, such as the Gospel of the Nazareans. The non-Jews who wrote the New Testament as it is today didn't understand Aramaic and they were basing their texts on legends which had been passed down by word of mouth. It is probable that the Greek Gospels were based on the earlier Aramaic Remember, most of the Jews who had joined Jesus' church had lost their power base by 70 CE when the Temple was destroyed, and the ones who were left were wiped out by 150 CE when the Romans annihilated the city of Jerusalem and renamed it Aelia Capitolina in order to wipe out all memory of the Jewish nation. The central power base of the church had by that point already been established in Rome and was non-Jewish. They didn't speak Aramaic, so it is no surprise that Aramaic didn't continue to be a language of the New Testament. The earlier Aramaic and the later Greek texts are doctrinally different --- for example, the Aramaic puts emphasis on following the Jewish religious law, because it was aimed at Jews, but the Greek contains disparaging remarks about Jews and their observance of the law ("Pharisee" became a pejorative, even though it is highly probable that Jesus himself belonged to a conservative part of that school of thought).

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Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, doesn't come into it.

Why do you think that is, TJ?

Actually, it did come in to it. There were earlier texts written in Aramaic, such as the Gospel of the Nazareans. The non-Jews who wrote the New Testament as it is today didn't understand Aramaic and they were basing their texts on legends which had been passed down by word of mouth. Remember, most of the Jews who had joined Jesus' church had lost its power base by 70 CE when the Temple was destroyed, and the ones who were left were wiped out by 150 CE when the Romans annihilated the city of Jerusalem and renamed it Aelia Capitolina in order to wipe out all memory of the Jewish nation. The central power base of the church had by that point already been established in Rome and was non-Jewish. They didn't speak Aramaic, so it is no surprise that Aramaic didn't continue to be a language of the New Testament.

''....basing their texts on legends....''


In a nutshell.

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Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, doesn't come into it.

Why do you think that is, TJ?

Actually, it did come in to it. There were earlier texts written in Aramaic, such as the Gospel of the Nazareans. The non-Jews who wrote the New Testament as it is today didn't understand Aramaic and they were basing their texts on legends which had been passed down by word of mouth. Remember, most of the Jews who had joined Jesus' church had lost its power base by 70 CE when the Temple was destroyed, and the ones who were left were wiped out by 150 CE when the Romans annihilated the city of Jerusalem and renamed it Aelia Capitolina in order to wipe out all memory of the Jewish nation. The central power base of the church had by that point already been established in Rome and was non-Jewish. They didn't speak Aramaic, so it is no surprise that Aramaic didn't continue to be a language of the New Testament.

''....basing their texts on legends....''


In a nutshell.


Well, of course. It's all bullshit. Except the Sermon on the Mount. I get the impression that this describes a genuine sermon.

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Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, doesn't come into it.

Why do you think that is, TJ?

Actually, it did come in to it. There were earlier texts written in Aramaic, such as the Gospel of the Nazareans. The non-Jews who wrote the New Testament as it is today didn't understand Aramaic and they were basing their texts on legends which had been passed down by word of mouth. It is probable that the Greek Gospels were based on the earlier Aramaic Remember, most of the Jews who had joined Jesus' church had lost their power base by 70 CE when the Temple was destroyed, and the ones who were left were wiped out by 150 CE when the Romans annihilated the city of Jerusalem and renamed it Aelia Capitolina in order to wipe out all memory of the Jewish nation. The central power base of the church had by that point already been established in Rome and was non-Jewish. They didn't speak Aramaic, so it is no surprise that Aramaic didn't continue to be a language of the New Testament. The earlier Aramaic and the later Greek texts are doctrinally different --- for example, the Aramaic puts emphasis on following the Jewish religious law, because it was aimed at Jews, but the Greek contains disparaging remarks about Jews and their observance of the law ("Pharisee" became a pejorative, even though it is highly probable that Jesus himself belonged to a conservative part of that school of thought).


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This is what gets me. Rarely is the subject of ingrained misogyny within this ideology touched-upon for fear of causing 'un-necessary' offence. Always carefully worded reports that only scrape the surface of the actual motivation and sense of entitlement that is preached to these 'brothers'.


I'm not a great fan of this site but in some instances, it tells it like it is and in depth.

Scripturally-sanctioned, and yet some would say that these men merely 'mis-interpret' the teachings.

So that's all right then....

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This is what gets me. Rarely is the subject of ingrained misogyny within this ideology touched-upon for fear of causing 'un-necessary' offence. Always carefully worded reports that only scrape the surface of the actual motivation and sense of entitlement that is preached to these 'brothers'.


I'm not a great fan of this site but in some instances, it tells it like it is and in depth.

Scripturally-sanctioned, and yet some would say that these men merely 'mis-interpret' the teachings.

So that's all right then....

interesting read


from your link


But then part of the reason this scandal happened at all is precisely because of such politically correct thinking. All the agencies of the state, including the police, the social services and the care system, seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes.

“Terrified of accusations of racism, desperate not to undermine the official creed of cultural diversity, they took no action against obvious abuse.”But then part of the reason this scandal happened at all is precisely because of such politically correct thinking. All the agencies of the state, including the police, the social services and the care system, seemed eager to ignore the sickening exploitation that was happening before their eyes."


I wonder if politically correct thinking is there because it has been put there by NLP, from training courses, TV videos and communications from superiors. It appears terribly daft to those on the outside but seems fine to those on the inside.

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Obvioulsy rape and peadophilia can be found everywhere. The issue is just how over represented Islam is in it. Considering Muslims make up less than 5% of the UK population, we're hearing about them all to often.


But is it really suprising when their 'God' promoted the shagging of 6 year olds?.


Have a little look at this.




Islam is a particularly huge disgrace and its backwards followers should be completely ashamed.

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Obvioulsy rape and peadophilia can be found everywhere. The issue is just how over represented Islam is in it. Considering Muslims make up less than 5% of the UK population, we're hearing about them all to often.


But is it really suprising when their 'God' promoted the shagging of 6 year olds?.


Have a little look at this.




Islam is a particularly huge disgrace and its backwards followers should be completely ashamed.

I am sure you would say the same thing about Catholics and the kids abused by Catholic priests worldwide. The Pope even gave Jimmy Saville a papal knighthood!

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