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Summerland 40Th Anniversary


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I can't see the point in a huge memorial gardens over the whole site either. The site is huge and as hboy said, what the Facebook group is looking to do has echos of Ground Zero about it which make me feel uncomfortable. Of course the existing memorial is pathetic and we do need to spend money on creating something that is fitting to allow all those affected to remember their loved ones properly - that should have been done donkey's years ago though. Let's also not forget that if the DTL had got its way this site would have been flogged off years ago as a leisure complex or more flats, so its also a bit hypocritical to look at some huge memorial now when if they'd have got a few million quid for it for flats they'd have taken it and not even bothered with a plaque.

Edited by thesultanofsheight
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To Irishone - La _Doce_Vita


Hi there


I have just put them up on youtube as slideshow - in an attempt to make it difficult for screen shots to be used for printing so please accept my apologies for some drop in quality. I have reservations in doing it but if The Examiner have no qualms yesterday in doing a spread I thought why not - If its considered insensitive I will delete




Edited by Old Manxie
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Thanks for that - I didn't think it insensitive at all. For those who might worry about clicking on the link, it's a series of still photos from the same distant position (Central Prom?) showing the progression of the fire on the outside of the building - there's no victims shown or similar. That said it's the sheer speed of the spread of the flames that remains terrifying.

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To Irishone - La _Doce_Vita


Hi there


I have just put them up on youtube as slideshow - in an attempt to make it difficult for screen shots to be used for printing so please accept my apologies for some drop in quality. I have reservations in doing it but if The Examiner have no qualms yesterday in doing a spread I thought why not - If its considered insensitive I will delete



Picture scanned from my Summerland guide showing the crazy golf course and yellow kiosk from where the fire originated


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To Irishone - La _Doce_Vita


Hi there


I have just put them up on youtube as slideshow - in an attempt to make it difficult for screen shots to be used for printing so please accept my apologies for some drop in quality. I have reservations in doing it but if The Examiner have no qualms yesterday in doing a spread I thought why not - If its considered insensitive I will delete




I can't see anyone would have any objections to your video. You should have no reservations.


I don't think you will unearth forgotten horrors or anything, as those memories remain whether or not there are reminders on youtube or wherever.


Nicely put together video. Poignant of course.



Edited to add: Old Manxie, I'm not trying to be clever, but youtube doesn't prevent any problems with screen shots anymore. But I am sure your well intended consideration is appreciated.

Edited by Torry loon
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To Irishone - La _Doce_Vita


Hi there


I have just put them up on youtube as slideshow - in an attempt to make it difficult for screen shots to be used for printing so please accept my apologies for some drop in quality. I have reservations in doing it but if The Examiner have no qualms yesterday in doing a spread I thought why not - If its considered insensitive I will delete





Picture scanned from my Summerland guide showing the crazy golf course and yellow kiosk from where the fire originated



Those photographs just show what a great facility this was at the time. We have never had anything like it and probably never will again.

There was genuine optimism that this would be the answer to our loss of tourism to the package holiday and I feel it was justified.

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To Irishone - La _Doce_Vita


Hi there


I have just put them up on youtube as slideshow - in an attempt to make it difficult for screen shots to be used for printing so please accept my apologies for some drop in quality. I have reservations in doing it but if The Examiner have no qualms yesterday in doing a spread I thought why not - If its considered insensitive I will delete


Please don't delete them-I want to show them to my family.This is exactly what I have been looking for-people cope with things in different ways. I personally have a need for as much information as possible to help me come to terms with what happened to me.I felt a need to return to summerland and confront my fears-I was disappointed that the building had been demolished so I really appreciate seeing all these photos.

We would have been injured just shortly after that first plume of smoke appeared as the fire spread at a phenomenal rate and we were making our way down the flying staircase after the original announcement.The hairs on the back of my neck stood up when I watched the slide-show. It has to be a miracle that hundreds more weren't killed or seriously injured.Thanks again.

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@Old Manxie Thank you for publishing the photographs, they achieve what words cannot. As Roger and irishwasa say, the progression of the blaze from picture 2 (corner) to picture 3 (half of building) is almost incredible. How it could have been built from those materials beggars belief.

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Hi Irishone

How awful for you to have been in there - what a nightmare.

I am glad these photos might help in some way and am glad they have not caused offence - If you wish I would be happy to send you prints of them.

@Bobbie its beyond believe how it was built in such a way and having been summoned to attend the tribunal I could not believe the tactics used to evade blame by the QCs for their clients

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