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Summerland 40Th Anniversary


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chimley, had to google that one.

i would think even waterbased paint gives nasties when burned.

same as most products from this day, scary to see what smoke they give.

still i am wondering if anyone took pictures of the building in various stages.

i am not interested in seeing the bodies, more in the structure (warped metal , remains of wall's etc)

there are some really good photos out there of the builing in the aftermath but I haven't seen any in its various stages of development, which would be really interesting!

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It is interesting that a few references were made to how the Summerland disaster had a positive legacy in the form of changing regulations to make the public safer. Yet in 1979 people died in the Woolworth fire in Manchester. There wasn't a sprinkler system, windows had metal bars and the foam in the furniture gave off thick black smoke, which stopped people from finding the emergency exits. It took until 1988 for the furniture regulations to be changed. Sadly, the lessons learnt were 'limited' until further loss of life.


Despite these two horrors, we still experienced another entirely avoidable disaster in the Bradford City football club fire. If you have seen the video of the Bradford blaze, you can see the similarities between it and Summerland, in particular the speed in which the fire spread. You can also begin to imagine the heat that must have been given off at Summerland, for example, someone on the Bradford pitch suddenly becomes alight purely from the heat.


Only after Bradford, did we finally reach a point where as a society we could say 'lessons were learned' and the public could feel safe to go shopping, watch football or have a night out with their children in a high degree of safety.

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It is fine the local papers saying people all around the world are signing the petition for the Summerland land not to be sold, but some will sign any petition! The new Memorial is very dignified, why do they feel that so much ground also should be used as a memorial? Look at disasters like Hillsborough, they are happy with their memorial tributes. I see the IOM Today site is not allowing comments on this story.


The fault lies with the government that the land has been left so long, it is such a lovely part of the Douglas front, it just can't I am sorry be used just for another memorial garden.

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If this was in the immediate aftermath, it would be understandable and supported. But, many years have passed and the site was used for many more years as a reduced leisure complex.


So, sorry but no

I agree Gladys and with a memorial area already available, I really don't see as to why there's a need to have two?




We should build something positive with the Summerland site and I've mentioned before of a dry ski slope and themed playground area etc, etc and etc.

Lets look at the future and not at the past.

Lets have something that the majority of people want.

Let people enjoy themselves and this time, in complete safety.

Lets move on

Why not ask the "majority"" of people what they want, give everyone a chance to have their say, give them a vote!

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That's a really nice photo of the new memorial and I think it tells us something. Summerland was an eyesore and now that the Corporation have finally recognised the victims and survivors with a meaningful and tasteful memorial, I think we can close that chapter of the story. Any development on the old site should be for the future, just as the original building was supposed to be, and it should be for all the people. That area of the promenade used to be really beautiful many years ago, and my suggestion would be to make it so again. So no car parks, no private development, no more eyesores.....how about something for the kids of the future like a nice play area, or at least something similar. The area has great potential with both the Electric Trams and horse tram terminus. For once let's do it right too, and stop wasting money on stupid projects like block paving that do nothing for the town. Take another look at the photo folks.

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If this was in the immediate aftermath, it would be understandable and supported. But, many years have passed and the site was used for many more years as a reduced leisure complex.


So, sorry but no

I agree Gladys and with a memorial area already available, I really don't see as to why there's a need to have two?




We should build something positive with the Summerland site and I've mentioned before of a dry ski slope and themed playground area etc, etc and etc.

Lets look at the future and not at the past.

Lets have something that the majority of people want.

Let people enjoy themselves and this time, in complete safety.

Lets move on

Why not ask the "majority"" of people what they want, give everyone a chance to have their say, give them a vote!
Ask who, though?


Please understand I, along with many others here, think about Summerland and its victims quite a lot. But it was a long time ago, and while we don't want to sweep the event under the carpet, it is time to move on but in a sensitive way.

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That's a really nice photo of the new memorial and I think it tells us something. Summerland was an eyesore and now that the Corporation have finally recognised the victims and survivors with a meaningful and tasteful memorial, I think we can close that chapter of the story. Any development on the old site should be for the future, just as the original building was supposed to be, and it should be for all the people. That area of the promenade used to be really beautiful many years ago, and my suggestion would be to make it so again. So no car parks, no private development, no more eyesores.....how about something for the kids of the future like a nice play area, or at least something similar. The area has great potential with both the Electric Trams and horse tram terminus. For once let's do it right too, and stop wasting money on stupid projects like block paving that do nothing for the town. Take another look at the photo folks.

Agree 100%

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If this was in the immediate aftermath, it would be understandable and supported. But, many years have passed and the site was used for many more years as a reduced leisure complex.


So, sorry but no

I agree Gladys and with a memorial area already available, I really don't see as to why there's a need to have two?




We should build something positive with the Summerland site and I've mentioned before of a dry ski slope and themed playground area etc, etc and etc.

Lets look at the future and not at the past.

Lets have something that the majority of people want.

Let people enjoy themselves and this time, in complete safety.

Lets move on

Why not ask the "majority"" of people what they want, give everyone a chance to have their say, give them a vote!
Ask who, though?


Please understand I, along with many others here, think about Summerland and its victims quite a lot. But it was a long time ago, and while we don't want to sweep the event under the carpet, it is time to move on but in a sensitive way.

"Ask who?"-The people of Douglas-those who have to look at the site every day and then present your findings to the owners. I don't live on the Island so don't feel qualified to voice my opinion on this-but if I did I definitely wouldn't want to look at apartments or a huge hotel. I would imagine many people would be surprised if not shocked to find out what I would like to see there!

What about a compromise-a part of the site set aside for the memorial-(I presume the new memorial will be moving up there if the petition goes ahead!) and the rest of the site used for something else.

Edited by irishone
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  • 2 weeks later...


Mass tourism to the island is a thing of the past and niche tourism is all that we can realistically hope for.



Where can you go in the world these days with your family for a pleasant away from it all holiday. Ibifa? (an example place that took the mass tourism from the Island)


I seriously believe the time will come when there will be a good market to look after families as a unit for their holidays. When they can spend time together and just slow down... s l o w d o w n . . . . . and relax. Have breakfast together with no timetables, go down the beach and do daft silly things that suburbia simply can't offer.


Have you ever made a sand castle with your family for a couple of hours, and then watched as the tide slowly swept away your creation.

Have you ever been on an Island where although the network is good the physical transport routes are remote and your office will simply leave you alone to your family.

Have you ever strolled through a resort at midnight withour the risk of intimidation (pushing that one, I know, but Dezzie and the lads are getting there)

Blah, blah, blah.


As far as bringing up a family in pleasant surroundings, cities are a shite hole these days (I give Isle of Man Tourism the right to use that phrase) and so are most of the more popular family resorts, around the world...shite (do.)


The Isle of Man has something to offer. That trip across the Irish Sea could indeed one day offer a little bit of paradise for our UK cousins. As it did for over 100 years. (Although then it was the paradise of all day boozing and entertainment, which the UK mainland wouldn't provide at the time.)


Mass tourism and 'get away from it all' could be ours again, given a bit of time and the mess that the motherland is making for itself.



Edited purely to add:

Sorry to go off topic a bit. This is a serious thread regarding Summerland but I am sure Ruth will understand my diversion.

Just spotted this Torry! I really enjoyed my visit to the Island this month-I wish it had been for a different reason-but how and ever I was totally entranced with the place! I would love to live there it is my idea of paradise, hopefully things will turn around again. When people asked me if I had been anywhere this summer and I said I was on the Island for a few days ( I didn't mention why) they immediately lost interest! If it isn't "abroad" nobody wants to know!! It's their loss and while there is nothing wrong with foreign travel and seeing the world, I think they would be better off taking advantage of this little gem right on their doorsteps!

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If this was in the immediate aftermath, it would be understandable and supported. But, many years have passed and the site was used for many more years as a reduced leisure complex.


So, sorry but no

I agree Gladys and with a memorial area already available, I really don't see as to why there's a need to have two?




We should build something positive with the Summerland site and I've mentioned before of a dry ski slope and themed playground area etc, etc and etc.

Lets look at the future and not at the past.

Lets have something that the majority of people want.

Let people enjoy themselves and this time, in complete safety.

Lets move on

yes lets move on this is a derelict site after all, we need a building of vision and somewhere to have a good day/night out,the original design was brilliant but as we all know, had oroglas not been used the place would still be jumping.

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If this was in the immediate aftermath, it would be understandable and supported. But, many years have passed and the site was used for many more years as a reduced leisure complex.


So, sorry but no

I agree Gladys and with a memorial area already available, I really don't see as to why there's a need to have two?




We should build something positive with the Summerland site and I've mentioned before of a dry ski slope and themed playground area etc, etc and etc.

Lets look at the future and not at the past.

Lets have something that the majority of people want.

Let people enjoy themselves and this time, in complete safety.

Lets move on

yes lets move on this is a derelict site after all, we need a building of vision and somewhere to have a good day/night out,the original design was brilliant but as we all know, had oroglas not been used the place would still be jumping.

What would you like to see there Twinkle? What about something with a viking theme?

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I see the appeal to sign the petition raises its head again in the paper today, "Surge in Support for the Summerland Petition, claiming now many have signed the petition for nothing to be built on the Summerland site, for it to be a complete memorial, after an article in the Liverpool Echo many in the North West are signing, the last claim a month or so back, was the world wide support for the petition. The article continues that over 200? have signed the online petition.


I have complete Respect for those who lost their lives, and as I said and many others did, following the recent ceremony for the opening of the Memorial Monuments & Garden Area, which are very respectful. I am at a loss why we can't move on and always remember, but no way should the whole Summerland site be designated as a memorial forever!


The Petition is going to be presented to Infrastructure Minister David Cretne on the 1st November, I really hope he will show respect to the petitioners, and many signatures will be ones who sign any petition to express sympathy to any appeal, but tell them we have shown Respect and we will Never Forget Them!


On the IOM Today website for some reason, they are not allowing comments? or not on my laptop.

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