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Little Bitta' Rosie


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I've posted this on here as well as Manxbands just in case people don't read both.



It's been a few months since our last gigs but rehearsals have been going down well and we are back on track again for some gigs over the TT fortnight.


For those who don't know, we do AC/DC covers from both Bon Scott and Brian Johnson, so there is something for everyone.


As for the dates? They're right here;


Thursday 2nd June - The Office

Monday 6th June - Sulby Glen

Wednesday 8th June - Port Erin beach stage

Thursday 9th June - Britannia Ramsey

Saturday 11th June - Mitre Hotel Ramsey


Hope to see you at least once...




edited to add the Mitre on Saturday

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Just wanted to say a massive thank you to all who turned up at the Office last night, making it a memorable start to the TT gigs - we had a great time and I hope everyone watching did too. We got many positive comments and it really is much appreciated.


Slim - I'll have you know I've got special pants to stop that happening - then again, I could have used the ones your missus gave you to throw at curly Pete... :lol:

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If anyone finds themselves out Sulby way this evening, we're on again in the tent behind the pub, around about about 10pm - midnight.



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A massive thank you to everyone who turned out at the Sulby tent last night - the place was heaving with people, the heat was like a boiler room, and the drink was flowing well all night.


We gave it our all, and everyone seemed to really enjoyed themselves, judging by the appreciation afterwards.


An especially big thanks to the visitors who entertained the crowd by playing air guitar for most of the night in front of us!


Port Erin beach tomorrow night at 8pm, see ya there.



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Brit in Ramsey last night.


Well what can I say.....bloody amazing.


We felt it was our best gig yet, the sound was perfect, and lots of people seemed to agree, even though I had a bit of a sore throat from Port Erin on Wednesday.


For some reason we always have a stonking gig in the Brit and last night was no exception.


A big, big thanks to all the staff at the Brit, Michael Craig, people who came to see us last year and came back to see us again (brilliant), most (or possibly all) of Still Crazy (cheers for supplying me with all the southern comfort Chaz..), everyone who stood on the seats and sang along to ALL the songs, the 2 couples who were at the Office & Port Erin gigs and came to see us again last night, and not forgetting the biker who gave us a tenner afterwards to get some beer in after the gig :D


Mitre in Ramsey on Saturday night if you need some rocking music, start about 10pm, determined to drown out the schooner tunes...

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