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The Peru 2


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Anyone been following this story?


2 girls one from Scotland the other from Ireland go off to Ibiza for the summer parents don't hear from them for a week or so and appeal for their whereabouts, tracked down to a jail in Peru lifted for trying to smuggle 11kg of cocaine out of the country.


The story they have come out with is a belter, they were forced in Ibiza by a gun totting gang to take 3 flights to Peru to bring back a package.


The thing I have been surprised at is how the media are trying to make people feel sorry for them and also they appear to be not to fazed that they will be spending the next 20 years in a Peruvian jail.


Be interesting to see how this develops.

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Nice to see them laughing and joking and enjoying fast food in custody. Although one of them looked like Minnie Mouse in silhouette, so I suppose the giggles are almost guaranteed.


Ibiza you say - BBC News subtitles yesterday said they were in 'high beaker'.

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You should believe the story they tell you. Why would they lie? Surely you do not think it is their cocaine? You do also know that it is highly unlikely that they even know who the cocaine is/was for. Drugs are a massive commodity, if there is $14million getting spent on Silkroad per calender month, just imagine how much is being spent on the streets...all into the hands of criminals. £1.5million, street value? Probably cost 'hardly anything' in Peru, I feel really really sorry for these girls, they've been stupid, that is for sure but they've no option now (if they ever had), they cannot give any details about the deal, they will not know, they cannot just admit it is theirs, because it is not, they really are in a whole world of shit though. Isn't it time the root of the problem was sorted? Look at the state of Mexico city, their mayors end up with their heads on spikes, drug cartels and organised criminals are not to be fucked with. I believe them & I hope they get sent home, what is the point of sending them to prison for 20 years? To serve as a deterrent? Yeah coz the 40 odd people already in Peruvian prisons have not sent the correct message out, put some more people in prison - That is not working. I think it would be disgraceful to send those girls to prison for 20 years, the authorities KNOW the drugs were not theirs, they should busy themselves to find where the drugs came from and where they were going to, never mind the stupid mules, they should be sent home and be sent back to school - get themselves 'better' so they cannot be used as pawns for the rich and corrupt.

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There's a thing called an Embassy. Contact it if you're in shit while abroad. They will help you.


You would have thought the countless episodes of Banged Up Abroad et al would have gotten the message home how these stories usually end?

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When we were travelling round Peru we were in a group who enquired about getting 'something to make the party a bit better.' We ended up getting in a car to meet a guy called 'Freddie' who was the go to guy. We shat our pants when we were eventually driven through the prison gates to meet 'Freddie' who was actually running operations from his prison cell.

We made our excuses, gave the prison officers all the money we had, and got out of their sharpish. Wouldn't like to spend 20 years in there.

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To be fair I had an excellent time in South America, sure they won't see much of but they will get to learn a new language and be very fluent in it, they may explore their own sexuality and make great contacts for successfully smuggling cocaine when they get out.....I'd say it is a career progression, albeit a slow one.

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You can easily make enough money in Ibiza to go raving and force down the occasional meal so it's extremely unlikely they did this to earn spends. The likelihood is that they were forced to do this under duress and I feel truly sorry for them. Peruvian jail is no place for these poor wretched girls and I hope the diplomatic powers are working away to get them sent home asap.

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If they were forced into this surely the right course of action would be to go immediately to the customs people when you get to the airport and tell them that you have been asked to take something through and that you suspect it is drugs? Why bother taking the risk of getting caught especially as the gangs would only be likely to force you to do it again and again?

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You can easily make enough money in Ibiza to go raving and force down the occasional meal so it's extremely unlikely they did this to earn spends. The likelihood is that they were forced to do this under duress and I feel truly sorry for them. Peruvian jail is no place for these poor wretched girls and I hope the diplomatic powers are working away to get them sent home asap.

I don't feel sorry for them, they are grown up adults that know what is right and what is wrong.


I certainly agree with what you are saying about them beeing in that Jail however you pays your money........

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So what would be their incentive for offering to do it? Smuggling a shiz load of coke for spends for a few nights out? Doesn't quite add up to me.....

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