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The Peru 2


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Ther "alibi" is a pretty good way to get sympathy, but I suspect won't cut much ice with the authorities, but I'm sure you'll see "Fair Trials abroad" etc saying these two have been treated unfairly and Facebook etc agreeing.


It's always difficult to know, but these girls have made choices in their lives, and also have faced situations where they didn't have choices - life's hard, and I suspect they'll be learning about the Peruvian justice system for quite a while. I'd have made my choices to keep myself well away from anything like this.


Thousands of people become drug mules. Circumstance makes them take the risk. Some get away with it. Others don't.

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If they were forced into this surely the right course of action would be to go immediately to the customs people when you get to the airport and tell them that you have been asked to take something through and that you suspect it is drugs? Why bother taking the risk of getting caught especially as the gangs would only be likely to force you to do it again and again?


Unless they were told that the customs police were in on it or family were also threatened etc. It's easy enough to make people do something once they believe that they don't actually have a choice or that the choice will have dire consequences. Of course they could equally be lying and have volunteered for the whole thing with this being the "what if we get caught" ploy.


But the OP is correct - this should be interesting to watch.

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If they were forced into this surely the right course of action would be to go immediately to the customs people when you get to the airport and tell them that you have been asked to take something through and that you suspect it is drugs? Why bother taking the risk of getting caught especially as the gangs would only be likely to force you to do it again and again?


The fact that they didnt do that suggests to me that they are telling lies. If I was in that situation, it would be the first thing I would do; go to the first policeman or similar and spill the beans.


I dont understand why the UK media has given this so much air-time, reading about the case it seems that there are quite a lot of British nationals locked up in Peru, so why are these two different in the eyes of the media?


Maybe it is because they are women? Maybe because they are quite easy on the eye? Who knows, the bottom line is that they are probably going to be doing a long time in a prison where the capacity is running at 200% and that is going to be for around 18 months on remand, before it even goes to trial.


Not nice but as they say:-


If You Can't Do The Time, Don't Do The Crime...........................

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Read an article that said they were each getting £8000 from the deal.


I am really pleased they have been caught, not sure how long it will take me to earn my next £8000 but I would like to think they will still be in Peru when I do.


And I will be paying tax on it.

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I find it amazing that drug cartels who run a billion dollar business would go to the length of kidnapping 2 girls from Ibiza fly them to the other side of the world and get them to take their drugs.


Their story is so full of holes it is unreal and anyone who believes it needs their head checking.


I see there is the obligatory Facebook page protesting their innocent.

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I find it amazing that drug cartels who run a billion dollar business would go to the length of kidnapping 2 girls from Ibiza fly them to the other side of the world and get them to take their drugs.


Their story is so full of holes it is unreal and anyone who believes it needs their head checking.


I see there is the obligatory Facebook page protesting their innocent.



Yes, to look at it another way, the idea that these two were too scared to tell the authorities in Ibiza or once they arrived in Peru but feel free to tell the story now that they are in prison in Peru is so far fetched even DoolishGoulish wouldn't believe it.

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Were they held at gunpoint every inch of the way from Ibiza to Peru?



They couldn't have been because at one point they were arrested and there were no gunmen with them. So they did have at least one opportunity to 'fess up even if it was only just before they were searched. They didn't which sort of shows that their story is complete bull.

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Were they held at gunpoint every inch of the way from Ibiza to Peru?



They couldn't have been because at one point they were arrested and there were no gunmen with them. So they did have at least one opportunity to 'fess up even if it was only just before they were searched. They didn't which sort of shows that their story is complete bull.




In reality they would have had plenty of opportunity on the way there and back to speak to the authorities. There families were in the UK so it is hardly likely they were at risk.

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I think that the sooner they tell the truth the better. There's a hell of a story here of two young girls completely out of their depth, who should've stayed in Ibiza. They're easy prey for some very sophisticated drug gangs who probably lured them to Lima with a fictional set-up of promises and lies, and being young and perhaps a little too over-confident and self-assured, they fell for it.

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