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The Peru 2


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Meanwhile, back at the thread....



Yes, I know it's the Mail, but....


A taxi driver has told how he chauffeured a ‘relaxed and happy’ Michaella McCollum Connolly and Melissa Reid around Lima as they spent hundreds of pounds on shoes, clothes and jewellery in a three-day spree.


‘They hired me for three days and I took them on expensive shopping trips where they came back loaded with bags.

‘We went to the Plaza de Armas and Larcomar – both famous for their high-end shops. When they returned they were carrying so many bags it was difficult to get them into the car.

‘It’s very common for girls to be talked into coming to Peru by flash gangsters. They are promised free drugs, money, a holiday and accommodation. When they get caught out the world comes from beneath them.’


A source at the police station said: ‘The cells are a very difficult place to be, even for hardened criminals, so it can tell you a lot.

‘Michaella and Melissa have been laughing, and even singing songs like You’re Just Too Good To Be True. It’s the same old story we have heard a million times.


‘They were just stupid, allowed themselves to get in a situation and got caught. Now they have to deal with the consequences.’

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If it was for £8000 each that is pish money. I remember when I was 15 living in a hostel and I was speaking with a resident there and he said if you do an armed robbery that's 7 years if you get caught so you've got to rob more than 7 years of wages just to break even so if you want to make it worthwhile its got to be double that, and that's per person.


So with the above logic if they get 20 years they'd need to be paid £600k each and that's at today's prices so £8k was only ever worth doing if they got a couple of months jail time.

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If it was for £8000 each that is pish money. I remember when I was 15 living in a hostel and I was speaking with a resident there and he said if you do an armed robbery that's 7 years if you get caught so you've got to rob more than 7 years of wages just to break even so if you want to make it worthwhile its got to be double that, and that's per person.


So with the above logic if they get 20 years they'd need to be paid £600k each and that's at today's prices so £8k was only ever worth doing if they got a couple of months jail time.

You've probably done 15 years on the taxpayer for a fat salary and a fat pension.


Now...that's what you call a robbery, and you didn't even need to wear a mask.

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If it was for £8000 each that is pish money. I remember when I was 15 living in a hostel and I was speaking with a resident there and he said if you do an armed robbery that's 7 years if you get caught so you've got to rob more than 7 years of wages just to break even so if you want to make it worthwhile its got to be double that, and that's per person.


So with the above logic if they get 20 years they'd need to be paid £600k each and that's at today's prices so £8k was only ever worth doing if they got a couple of months jail time.


Surely they would have any proceeds from the criminal act seized? Therefore that all becomes a bit pointless unless you can hide it somewhere and hope like hell your criminal friends on the outside don't nick it?!

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Every photo I see the Irish girl is smiling, hair all done up and make up on. I am convinced she thinks she will be out next week giving her story on Loose Women and doing a photo shoot for OK. The Scottish girl looks rough and looks as though she might realise the shit they are in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

They're there for the duration regardless. Might as well just get on with it as best they can. It is such a shame for them, if people did not want to take drugs there would be no market for them and things like this would not happen. It makes me quite cross to think the person for whom these drugs would have made the most profit will carry on with their life as normal without a care nor consideration for these girls or their kin. I really feel for the parents of these kids, they must be devastated and scared, I would be if it was one of my children.

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They're there for the duration regardless. Might as well just get on with it as best they can. It is such a shame for them, if people did not want to take drugs there would be no market for them and things like this would not happen. It makes me quite cross to think the person for whom these drugs would have made the most profit will carry on with their life as normal without a care nor consideration for these girls or their kin. I really feel for the parents of these kids, they must be devastated and scared, I would be if it was one of my children.


I agree in that I feel sorry for the parents they will probably now have to re-mortgage their house to pay for lawyers etc . I have no sympathy for the 2 girls, they are adults and knew the risks, if they had got back to Ibiza they would have taken their fee and lived their life. I would have more respect for them if they just put their hands up and said yeah I f***ed up, give me my punishment but they are looking to be the victims and trying to get people to feel sorry for them

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