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The Peru 2


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Oh for goodness sake, how old do you suppose some of the kids taking drugs now are? Why should people be penalised for taking drugs, at all? You're allowed sugar from birth, addictive and not exactly good for you, coffee, chocolate, half the kids on the estate are on the ADHD amphetamines (nhs speed) - however I'll humour you and say, I'd imagine the age restriction would be as it is with alcohol, 18.


I've got a cake to make and this is getting me nowhere, love to stop and chat but I've a cuppa to have with my friend soon and I'm on cake duty. :)

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Why should anyone be locked up? The war on drugs is lost, waste of time, money and effort. If people are stupid enough to want to take cocaine, surely it is their look out? Peru should be happy to see the back of the junk.


I was being sarcastic. Users should be treated. It's those on the supply side (dealers, trafickers and mules) that are quite rightly locked up or worse.

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Oh for goodness sake, how old do you suppose some of the kids taking drugs now are? Why should people be penalised for taking drugs, at all? You're allowed sugar from birth, addictive and not exactly good for you, coffee, chocolate, half the kids on the estate are on the ADHD amphetamines (nhs speed) - however I'll humour you and say, I'd imagine the age restriction would be as it is with alcohol, 18.


I've got a cake to make and this is getting me nowhere, love to stop and chat but I've a cuppa to have with my friend soon and I'm on cake duty. smile.png


What estate is that then?

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There is a considerable difference between drugs that are taken to alleviate illnesses - the ones that are taken in controlled amounts and for a limited time - and the kind of 'recreational' drugs that do an incredible amount of damage to the minds and bodies of young people.

The apologists for drugs, however, like nothing better than to try to confuse the issue by equating one with the other.

Such people should learn to shut the fuck up because they're probably not aware of the fact that drugs have damaged their own perceptions of the world and the only way they can justify their selfish and nasty behaviour is to recommend that everyone should be allowed to become just like them.

The war against drugs was a stupid misnomer that should never have been used. What is on-going, is a constant battle to try to protect young people against the undoubted damage that so-called recreational drugs can do, particularly when used by bodies and minds not yet fully developed.

Personally, I think the Peru2 were happy to become drug mules for a large financial reward and they now deserve everything they get - in fact, they should be forgotten about and left to rot in prison because they are clearly horrible, selfish, and self-centred criminals with no thought for anyone but themselves.

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Why should anyone be locked up? The war on drugs is lost, waste of time, money and effort. If people are stupid enough to want to take cocaine, surely it is their look out? Peru should be happy to see the back of the junk.


You could say that about any crime really.


Kill someone why lock them up for murder someone else will murder another person at some point.


If them being locked up makes some other person think twice about drug smuggling then happy days

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You just do not listen and even when you try, your little robot head just keeps telling you the law is right, the law is right, the law is right. Do you not have a brain of your own to think with, man? I'm sure you understand the difference between taking drugs over a border and sticking a knife in someones head, though.


Funnily enough, I do see crimes in the paper and I hear about loads of busts, loads....what happens to all the people that get busted here? Not many going to court now, is there? This makes me very sad for the people who went to prison for possession in the 80's - if you fast forward another 20 years maybe these girls would not be in court? In the sixties you went to prison for being gay, the seventies for looking at porn, the eighties for drugs....and so forth, the laws change with society, hopefully one day people will be free to do what they want to/with themselves.

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hopefully one day people will be free to do what they want to/with themselves.


Those days are fast approaching, reading in the paper this morning you can have a wank on the beach now, in full view of everyone, as long as you are not directing the act at anyone specific. Sense prevails at last

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Personally, I think the Peru2 were happy to become drug mules for a large financial reward and they now deserve everything they get - in fact, they should be forgotten about and left to rot in prison because they are clearly horrible, selfish, and self-centred criminals with no thought for anyone but themselves.

I agree with most of what you said but this bit makes me hope that you are not in a caring role and reminds me of a children's social worker laughing about their dead baby bag.

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