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Homosexuality Should Not Be Promoted - Uk Academies


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http://www.colstonsgirls.bristol.sch.uk/cgs-policy-sex-relationship-education-pdf - The policy document


It shows just what a farce equality is and how there is a long way to go for LGBT people when you get these sort of stuff creeping into society.


Here homosexuality is seen as something special and distinct from that (heterosexuality) which needed be labelled. This is not an equal view.


It makes mention of some 'necessity' required in talking gay and lesbian matters because of HIV.


And worst, says it will not permit promotion of homosexuality. Not heterosexuality and homosexuality, but just homosexuality. It's a ridiculous notion to talk of promoting a sexuality in a sense of advocating it (so that others will be 'turned'), but it also comes from homophobic thinking that again sets homosexuality apart as something Other and marks it out in a negative way. It seems similar to the 80s policy of Thatcher's government when it brought in Section 28 (and on the Island, Section 38)

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The problem with these games is probably beyond recall now - but there's definitely time for a rethink about the 2018 World Cup that's due to be held there!

Not for the first time, organisations such as the Olympic Committee, FIFA & EUFA have made complete arses of themselves by their choice of venue in the interests of political expedience. (And/or bribery and corruption)


As for the following one in Qatar - that is a complete farce. It's a country in which, according to the International Federation for Human Rights, working conditions for migrant workers “amount to forced labour” with acts of “debt bondage, confiscation of passports by employers, overcrowded and unsanitary labour camps, the absence of employment contracts and arbitrary salary deductions.” The risk of workers dying in construction sites are not absent. The Nepali embassy in Qatar said 191 Nepali workers died from working conditions in 2010 and another 163 died in 2011. According to Qatari laws, workers are not allowed to form trade unions to protect their rights.


My own view is that the current protest ought to take the form of ensuring that major sporting events should not, in future, be awarded to any country which, like Russia, has such a disgusting disregard for basic human rights.

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In short, RAJ, nothing is going to change overnight; this is obvious, especially as most of these academies are founded by organisations with a strong affiliation to religion. They see themselves as arbiters of conservative values and strength in numbers.


Things will get worse for this particular minority group before they get better. And even then there'll always be those who'll have the knives out for that which they consider 'queer' or 'not normal'.


The protests must continue but not at the expense of supporters of sport unless alternative and more tolerant venues can be utilised.

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Oh no, I don't know where to start with that. I don't know how you consider yourself a libertarian, anarchist, or a liberal. Your politics seem very disjointed.

But go on, please explain the logic here and how it relates to the schools.


I'm not not a liberal, I'm a conservative. I didn't mean "don't ask, don't tell" as an end unto itself for the gay rights movement but as a practical strategy for individuals to avoid persecution. As for the schools, I don't see why homosexuality ought to be discussed at all. You don't need to discuss these things in order to guide children toward compassion and tolerance. I was never taught anything abut homosexuals in the class room and you don't see me holding a pitchfork to persecute them.

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You were an anarchist a few weeks ago. I am not sure what you are.


I don't see the relevance here of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. But what it means is that gay people should deny their existence as people so that people who have an issue with who they really are. That's a dreadful policy. You can't expect people to hide who they are. Of course, there are so many gay people stuck in the closet, but it isn't a good thing, it's an awful thing for them (whether they realise it or not).


Hetersexuality is taught in sex education. Why not homosexuality. The issue isn't about compassion and tolerance but making sure that gay kids understand sex just as much as straight kids understand it. And that people learn about all opposite and same-sex attractions and understand that these are perfectly fine.

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You were an anarchist a few weeks ago. I am not sure what you are.


I don't see the relevance here of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. But what it means is that gay people should deny their existence as people so that people who have an issue with who they really are. That's a dreadful policy. You can't expect people to hide who they are. Of course, there are so many gay people stuck in the closet, but it isn't a good thing, it's an awful thing for them (whether they realise it or not).


Hetersexuality is taught in sex education. Why not homosexuality. The issue isn't about compassion and tolerance but making sure that gay kids understand sex just as much as straight kids understand it. And that people learn about all opposite and same-sex attractions and understand that these are perfectly fine.


I think you're reading a bit more into what I said than what I intended. I'm just talking about being careful about who you disclose these things to, keep a low profile; I'm not suggesting people "hide in the closet" and don't enter into relationships. In school, it's best not to stand out. I think "don't ask, don't tell" would be a good advice to give to school children who think they may be gay --- at least while they're IN school. I mean, it's not as if they're going to be having sex while they're in school, surely? They're a bit bloody young....


Who decided that it's perfectly fine? Not everyone agrees with that assessment.

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I just don't understand how you can adopt this line of thinking. Why should gay people keep a low profile. It cannot mean anything more than expression of themselves is muted or extinguished just so they aren't persecuted. How is that right?


Why should straight kids not a keep a low profile and be themselves and gay kids should? Do you not see the inequality and unfairness there?


It's terrible advice.


Sex has nothing to do with it. Were you unsure of your sexuality until you had sex? I can remember the lads in my school year who were all into girls at 14 and 15. Into rugby. Many posturing with their masculinity. Joking about sex and gay people. They got into fashions from around fifteen and sixteen that were demonstrably straight. There were a myriad of expressions from them that demonstrated their heterosexuality.


You seem to imply that gay people should match that, which is the status of the closet, as there is no neutral position.


Well...sexual education discussion opposite sex attractions is considered perfectly fine by most people where at school or at home. Why should it not be perfectly fine for the same to be the case for homosexuality?

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I just don't understand how you can adopt this line of thinking. Why should gay people keep a low profile. It cannot mean anything more than expression of themselves is muted or extinguished just so they aren't persecuted. How is that right?


Why should straight kids not a keep a low profile and be themselves and gay kids should? Do you not see the inequality and unfairness there?


It's terrible advice.


Sex has nothing to do with it. Were you unsure of your sexuality until you had sex? I can remember the lads in my school year who were all into girls at 14 and 15. Into rugby. Many posturing with their masculinity. Joking about sex and gay people. They got into fashions from around fifteen and sixteen that were demonstrably straight. There were a myriad of expressions from them that demonstrated their heterosexuality.


You seem to imply that gay people should match that, which is the status of the closet, as there is no neutral position.


Well...sexual education discussion opposite sex attractions is considered perfectly fine by most people where at school or at home. Why should it not be perfectly fine for the same to be the case for homosexuality?


The sex education taught at school centres around reproduction and the act in which it occurs. Which is a sensible approach seeing as it is the reason they are all sat there. We get taught the process in which mother nature gave us to have children. You're confusing the context (or pushing a personal opinion) in which it is brought up in school.

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I can see what TJ is trying to say LDV, I think he is talking in the mid term? People have not fully embraced the homosexual lifestyle yet, whether they ever will or not is open to debate but I see a day when things will be more open.

I think you would like a fast change of peoples opinions but I'm not sure that is possible. Things have come a long way since 1967 I think it was, when homosexuality was decriminalised but it's going to take a few generations to wash through the minds of some people. I think it's a case of slow and steady wins the race.


I don't see why schoolchildren should not be made aware of homosexuality and how they themselves may be affected? I guess this would help to break down some of the barriers but it seems that kids are more open minded than they were even a few years ago.

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The sex education taught at school centres around reproduction and the act in which it occurs.

Which is taught for the purpose of providing an understanding of intercourse, safe sex, and with an assumption (unless homosexuality is address) that sex is a thing between men and women

Which is a sensible approach seeing as it is the reason they are all sat there. We get taught the process in which mother nature gave us to have children. You're confusing the context (or pushing a personal opinion) in which it is brought up in school.

The purpose of sexual education isn't about teaching about reproduction. Where are you getting this idea from? It's education on sexuality. It has historically only been about heterosexuality.


But going back to the news item. Can you see the problem with this mention 'promotion'?

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I can see what TJ is trying to say LDV, I think he is talking in the mid term? People have not fully embraced the homosexual lifestyle yet, whether they ever will or not is open to debate but I see a day when things will be more open.

I think you would like a fast change of peoples opinions but I'm not sure that is possible. Things have come a long way since 1967 I think it was, when homosexuality was decriminalised but it's going to take a few generations to wash through the minds of some people. I think it's a case of slow and steady wins the race.

I know what TJ is advocating, but the question is why it should be gay people who should respond to appease straight people.


What you seem to be doing is excusing the attitudes of people who have prejudiced behaviour. It's like you want are saying that there are these people who not 'right' somehow and that they just have to wait until society tolerates them and gets used to them. It also implies that you attitude is one of tolerance.


Here is a good question to ask, why do you think that any gay person should accept discrimination and anything less than equal treatment and consideration of their sexuality as equals to those of straights? Why should a gay person (or anyone) made alterations to their behaviour and ability to express themselves on the basis of ignorant attitudes?


I don't see why schoolchildren should not be made aware of homosexuality and how they themselves may be affected? I guess this would help to break down some of the barriers but it seems that kids are more open minded than they were even a few years ago.

There is far more tolerance in society and there is less ability for people to discriminate and very visibly be homophobic. But it isn't an open-mindedness that comes with acceptance.

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The sex education taught at school centres around reproduction and the act in which it occurs.

Which is taught for the purpose of providing an understanding of intercourse, safe sex, and with an assumption (unless homosexuality is address) that sex is a thing between men and women

Which is a sensible approach seeing as it is the reason they are all sat there. We get taught the process in which mother nature gave us to have children. You're confusing the context (or pushing a personal opinion) in which it is brought up in school.

The purpose of sexual education isn't about teaching about reproduction. Where are you getting this idea from? It's education on sexuality. It has historically only been about heterosexuality.


But going back to the news item. Can you see the problem with this mention 'promotion'?

The homosexual community has come a long way in a relatively short space of time. Let attitudes and generations catch up. What's the rush?

To be honest when you have such vile people as Peter Tatchell as a visible cheerleader still, it's going to take a lot longer for the wider public and society as a whole to embrace and be more accepting.

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