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Men's Toilets


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I suspect I am setting myself up here ..but here goes ..

My husband took me out tonight after he finished work ..a rare event these days after our babies ..but ..

We went to the Ocean Castle Hotel in Port Erin .it was really lovely.. I loved being out .. but especially the men's toilets. He dragged me down to see them. They must be unique. the architecture is fantastic ... probably original (1940's 50's ?)

Maybe someone knows better ..but are there any other toilets on the Island which are so super ?

By the way .. I dont usually go into the boy's loos !! and so sorry to the old gentleman who obviously thought I shouldnt have been there.

Some one should start a website about loos like the Ocean Castle.

(We have booked for Sunday lunch ..but not because of the loos)

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The loos in the Villa Marina Arcade used to be the original old fashioned decor (wooden toilet seats) but haven't been there for a while so they may have been refurbished by now.

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I don't believe it, a thread on men's toilets and noone has mentioned the unbearable choking stench of stale p*ss (until I found my way here, of course).


That aside, I was in those toilets in the Villa arcade not too long ago and they were still unchanged, I get quite emotional when I use them. They remind me of Sunday School picnics from long ago.

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There is actually a website dedicated to public loo's. I think it was either Bill Posters, Stav or monkey_magic that posted the url either on manxonline or manx.net.


agreed we have had this thred before on manxnet, think it was started about the loos up in the Ocean Castle first time round aswell. I seem to remember the website had a couple of manx loos on it and a very fine example from one of the Scotch Islands!

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The toilets in teh lido used to be quite something. I was wondering the other day where they'd gone to, they must be under the corner of the carpark by my reconing, right where the ramp up is.


Probably the best place for them!


They were difficult enough to navigate & get down & try not to slide on yer arse when you were sober!!!!


Suppose it was easier "sliding" past the fights when you were hammered!


Edited to add:


Used to do a lot of work on ships around the world, so wished I had taken a camera with me, had an idea of doing a book on "Shipyard Toilet Graffiti" (sp?).


Alas, I didn't ever take a camera to the "bogs" for probable fear of getting my head kicked in!


I think the worst I've experienced were in a shipyard in Dalian, China, it was about -8 c and everything was frozen, inside there were no cubicles, just a trough that you would pee against or squat over.


I went in for a pee, and found three chinese guys in there squatting next to each other, crapping, chatting away, one was reading a newspaper and the other two were smoking!!!

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