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Un Agenda 21


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If boiling some water is too much bother to look for the mental chains that hold you in servitude then part of me can only admire the ruthless conspiracy.


Yes, everyone knows that if you boil water there will be salts (or to use your word "residue") left. That is not disputed, for instance I had a boiled egg for breakfast and had to wash the deposited salts off the pan afterwards. What I'm not understanding, and would welcome your explanation, is what you think those salts are? My believe (based on chemical knowledge and learning) are that they are dissolved minerals from when the water cycle passed through the ground. Its entirely normal and will have been happening since the dawn of time. No drinking water is 100% chemically pure H20, I'm sure you will have seen the chemical composition analysis table on the label of a bottle of mineral water? Do you believe that the government (Isle of Man or otherwise) is putting something in the water supply that accounts for the salt deposits you see when boiling water?

Go to your reservoir and collect the water coming out

Then put it in a pan and boil it.


At the same time put some tap water in a pan and boil that.


The difference in residue is what the "water treatment" puts in.


Get some distilled water and boil that off

Collect some rainwater from a water butt and boil that off


again the difference should be the crap that is picked up by the rainwater as it falls.


Ideally this should be done in a laboratory with pyrex glass rather than stainless steel. Do not use an aluminium pan to boil off the water ohmy.png


Some people are extremely sensitive to the chemicals in tap water and in extreme cases it makes them ill. I can taste the difference between distilled water and tap water, they are different. You are wrong distilled water should be 100% pure, you would be surprised at the number of people who drink only distilled water. You do not think the Royals drink the same crappy London tap water the rest of us are told is fine do you?


Taste it smell it, concentrate it and see what it does to plants people animals then extrapolate the result to yourself over the longer term. Why would would somebody deliberately feed you nasties?


watch omen II - Damien imagine Thorn Industries as Sanmonto and Famine engineering, imagine moron engineering (not terribly hard on Manxforums) via the education system and drugging food water and "medicines"


there is lots of evidence that water cress grows differently when fed with different types of water.


Watch why are they spraying? Sanmonto makes money, lots of money.

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Go to your reservoir and collect the water coming out

Then put it in a pan and boil it.


At the same time put some tap water in a pan and boil that.


The difference in residue is what the "water treatment" puts in.


Get some distilled water and boil that off

Collect some rainwater from a water butt and boil that off


again the difference should be the crap that is picked up by the rainwater as it falls.


Ideally this should be done in a laboratory with pyrex glass rather than stainless steel. Do not use an aluminium pan to boil off the water ohmy.png


Some people are extremely sensitive to the chemicals in tap water and in extreme cases it makes them ill. I can taste the difference between distilled water and tap water, they are different. You are wrong distilled water should be 100% pure, you would be surprised at the number of people who drink only distilled water. You do not think the Royals drink the same crappy London tap water the rest of us are told is fine do you?


Taste it smell it, concentrate it and see what it does to plants people animals then extrapolate the result to yourself over the longer term. Why would would somebody deliberately feed you nasties?


watch omen II - Damien imagine Thorn Industries as Sanmonto and Famine engineering, imagine moron engineering (not terribly hard on Manxforums) via the education system and drugging food water and "medicines"


there is lots of evidence that water cress grows differently when fed with different types of water.


Watch why are they spraying? Sanmonto makes money, lots of money.


Can I take that as rather long winded way of saying "yes" you do believe that you do believe that the government (Isle of Man or otherwise) is putting something in the water supply?


What do you think they are putting in and for what purposes?

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if you imagine agenda 21 as a big open prison project.


they want people docile, distracted, slightly unhealthy and disconnected. lots of social divisions (prison gangs if you like) religion, race, nationality, wealth level, political affiliations etc etc


there was a project to put fluoride in the water in the island - except fluoride is really a collection of heavy metal salts - it should be called rat poison and not so long ago it was. both the nazis and the russians put fluoride in the water in their prisons, it zombifies people. it does fuck all for your teethcrying.gif


the chemtrails is mainly aluminium, i understand. among other things it is a project by sanmonto to introduce aluminium resistant crops which they own the patents for


i do not believe that iom govt are culpable for any of this, well at least the above board part of govt.


do some reading around on fluoride aspartame and SLS to start with.

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I don't think there's any doubt that they're trying to lower the population.

So how come they don't dispose of the likes of you and CrossRoss who are spreading the truth?


Reference the NSA thread if you think posting here is anonymous.


CrossRoss - I am glad you finally answered the question on the methodology of your experiment but you still don't answer what tests you perform on the residue. Out of interest, how many lead water pipes are still in existence and in use on the island?

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I don't think there's any doubt that they're trying to lower the population.

Who are "they"?

"My father's version of this secret alliance was an entity known as "them" – a gargantuan and anti-meritocratic clique designed to frustrate his and his family's progress through life. I can remember once shouting news of an exam result up the staircase and my father responding with a cry of "That's shown the buggers!" Against all the odds, despite the accumulation of road-blocks placed in their way by this devious agglomeration of upper-class caballers, the Taylors had won through."


If murder was mooted in No 10, what else is true?

DJ Taylor, The Independent, Sunday 10 November 2013

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Yes, its a serious question. I'd like to know who you think "they" are?


As you've previously expressed your belief that population control is the answer to the World's problems I assume you support whoever "they" are and their plan to lower the population?


I don't believe in population control, I just believe in encouraging population reduction. That doesn't mean killing people, it means people having less kids and it applies mostly to the third world and can be achieved through raising the standard of living, promoting social welfare in the developing world, promoting education, and increasing access to forms of contraception.

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Yes, its a serious question. I'd like to know who you think "they" are?


As you've previously expressed your belief that population control is the answer to the World's problems I assume you support whoever "they" are and their plan to lower the population?


I don't believe in population control, I just believe in encouraging population reduction. That doesn't mean killing people, it means people having less kids and it applies mostly to the third world and can be achieved through raising the standard of living, promoting social welfare in the developing world, promoting education, and increasing access to forms of contraception.


Fair enough.


So, who are "they"?

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So, who are "they"?


The royal and aristocratic families of Europe who have adapted to modern political democratisation by transferring their operations to the undemocratic private sector, through corporations and banks which are more powerful than nation-states. They have also been behind increasing internationalisation, globalisation and calls for world government.

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So, who are "they"?


The royal and aristocratic families of Europe who have adapted to modern political democratisation by transferring their operations to the undemocratic private sector, through corporations and banks which are more powerful than nation-states. They have also been behind increasing internationalisation, globalisation and calls for world government.


Ok, thanks for actually answering a question for once.

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