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Un Agenda 21


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Of course it goes back to the industrial revolution. It goes back even further than that, to when the ruling elite went against the Magna Carta -- specifically, the Charter of the Forests -- and began to privatise the commons. This happened in several stages, the most important being the Reformation when the church lands, which were held in common for the benefit of the community, were confiscated and privatised; and then later with the Enclosure Movement beginning in the 18th century. UN Agenda 21 is just one element in this movement. Whether or not there is a formal conspiracy involved here is beside the point; the effect is the same.

Agenda 21 is an established and quite open supranational policy. No need for a formal conspiracy it's all there out on the open, if one wants to look hard enough.

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Of course it goes back to the industrial revolution. It goes back even further than that, to when the ruling elite went against the Magna Carta -- specifically, the Charter of the Forests -- and began to privatise the commons. This happened in several stages, the most important being the Reformation when the church lands, which were held in common for the benefit of the community, were confiscated and privatised; and then later with the Enclosure Movement beginning in the 18th century. UN Agenda 21 is just one element in this movement. Whether or not there is a formal conspiracy involved here is beside the point; the effect is the same.

Agenda 21 is an established and quite open supranational policy. No need for a formal conspiracy it's all there out on the open, if one wants to look hard enough.



Of course it goes back to the industrial revolution. It goes back even further than that, to when the ruling elite went against the Magna Carta -- specifically, the Charter of the Forests -- and began to privatise the commons. This happened in several stages, the most important being the Reformation when the church lands, which were held in common for the benefit of the community, were confiscated and privatised; and then later with the Enclosure Movement beginning in the 18th century. UN Agenda 21 is just one element in this movement. Whether or not there is a formal conspiracy involved here is beside the point; the effect is the same.

Agenda 21 is an established and quite open supranational policy. No need for a formal conspiracy it's all there out on the open, if one wants to look hard enough.

Quite agree.

People can close their eyes and pretend it's not happening I suppose and some could even be in on it? Whose to say?

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I can see the point of Agenda 21 as the population keeps on growing and there's only so much food or living space that can be grown or made and something has to happen in one form or another.

Wars keep the population down and wars keep the medicinal and armament industries active and rich.

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I can see the point of Agenda 21 as the population keeps on growing and there's only so much food or living space that can be grown or made and something has to happen in one form or another.

Wars keep the population down and wars keep the medicinal and armament industries active and rich.

A quick walk around Douglas gives enough ammunition for culling the population just on this rock.

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I can see the point of Agenda 21 as the population keeps on growing and there's only so much food or living space that can be grown or made and something has to happen in one form or another.

Wars keep the population down and wars keep the medicinal and armament industries active and rich.

There is no shortage of food or living space. Food price increases tend to mostly be the result of commodities speculation. Mankind is all about engineering solutions to problems - that's why humans are great. Population has risen as a result of technological advances and increased economic activity. It's a great achievement.


Overpopulation is one of those ideas propagated as a thing to worry about by the sort of people (often subconscious idealists) who imagine building a perfectly ordered world society. But our success as a race has been despite, or perhaps even because of, societies not being perfectly ordered.

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I can see the point of Agenda 21 as the population keeps on growing and there's only so much food or living space that can be grown or made and something has to happen in one form or another.

Wars keep the population down and wars keep the medicinal and armament industries active and rich.

There is no shortage of food or living space. Food price increases tend to mostly be the result of commodities speculation. Mankind is all about engineering solutions to problems - that's why humans are great. Population has risen as a result of technological advances and increased economic activity. It's a great achievement.


Overpopulation is one of those ideas propagated as a thing to worry about by the sort of people (often subconscious idealists) who imagine building a perfectly ordered world society. But our success as a race has been despite, or perhaps even because of, societies not being perfectly ordered.

Yay! Your move, Albert Tatlock!

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"Chemicals in toothpaste and soap could be behind drop in male fertility, scientists claim."


Researchers have found that around a third of the 'non-toxic' chemicals used in everyday items can dramatically affect the potency of sperm cells, leading to a rise in infertility. The study is the first to find a direct link between common man-made chemicals and a decline in the potency of human sperm.



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"Chemicals in toothpaste and soap could be behind drop in male fertility, scientists claim."


Researchers have found that around a third of the 'non-toxic' chemicals used in everyday items can dramatically affect the potency of sperm cells, leading to a rise in infertility. The study is the first to find a direct link between common man-made chemicals and a decline in the potency of human sperm.




Could is a very big word when used in headlines like that.


I can't get that link to open, I suspect the actually level of scientific fact in an article from The Express might be somewhat limited anyway. Is it anything like the usual Daily Mail type story linking everything to causing cancer?

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"Chemicals in toothpaste and soap could be behind drop in male fertility, scientists claim."


Researchers have found that around a third of the 'non-toxic' chemicals used in everyday items can dramatically affect the potency of sperm cells, leading to a rise in infertility. The study is the first to find a direct link between common man-made chemicals and a decline in the potency of human sperm.



Could is a very big word when used in headlines like that.


I can't get that link to open, I suspect the actually level of scientific fact in an article from The Express might be somewhat limited anyway. Is it anything like the usual Daily Mail type story linking everything to causing cancer?


Sorry the link won't open for you, I tried it again it worked here, I'll post the text from the link below.


Researchers have found that around a third of the 'non-toxic' chemicals used in everyday items can dramatically affect the potency of sperm cells, leading to a rise in infertility. The study is the first to find a direct link between common man-made chemicals and a decline in the potency of human sperm. Ingredients found in sunscreen, detergents and plastics have been found to render sperm infertile. Researchers also discovered a 'cocktail effect' which showed the effects were magnified when several chemicals were present. The study was part of wider research into 'endocrine?disrupting' chemicals that for several years have been linked with declining fertility in men. The findings are likely to provoke new calls for the banning or restriction of chemicals in certain products. Professor Niels Skakkebaek, of the Copenhagen University Hospital in Denmark, which carried out the research, said: "For the first time, we have shown a direct link between exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals from industrial products and adverse effects on human sperm function. "In my opinion, our findings are clearly of concern as some endocrine-disrupting chemicals are possibly more dangerous than previously thought. "However, it remains to be seen from forthcoming clinical studies whether our findings may explain reduced couple fertility which is very common in modern societies."

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