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Un Agenda 21


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TJ - Education... yet in reply to Kevster you heavily imply that education is brainwashing.


You also talk about the removal of liberty but surely any form of population control is a removing an individual's liberties?


"Population control" is a loaded term.I don't believe in controlling anyone; I prefer education and raising the standard of living as the means to lower the population. Poverty and lack of education are the root cause of overpopulation. It's not just religion.

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Yes, but I was always consciously aware of the brainwashing and able to filter it into a nice little compartment of my brain labelled "garbage".
And chem trails and elites ruling the world are in the bit not labelled garbage?

Me thinks somebody has been playing swap the label


I can see how chemical trails can be regarded as a "conspiracy theory" (pejorative), but how can anyone deny that elites run the world? You only need to read a history book to see that elites have run the world since time immemorial.

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Of course, TJ and his like will just say that I've been brainwashed by the elite

You went to school, didn't you? That's all the brainwashing you need.

And so, I presume did you


Yes, but I was always consciously aware of the brainwashing and able to filter it into a nice little compartment of my brain labelled "garbage".

The good news is that you're perfectly correct. The bad news is that the 'little compartment' has completely taken over.

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You were very insistant about it. Is the vendetta by certain members of the CS against you a joke as well? What about your 'degree from one of the worlds best universities'?


The only joke around here is you sunshine... One sad lonely young man who needs to get out more and find a life.

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You were very insistant about it. Is the vendetta by certain members of the CS against you a joke as well? What about your 'degree from one of the worlds best universities'?


Yes, No


The only joke around here is you sunshine... One sad lonely young man who needs to get out more and find a life.


'Three things in human life are important.

The first is to be kind.

The second is to be kind.

And the third is to be kind.'


- Henry James

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You were very insistant about it. Is the vendetta by certain members of the CS against you a joke as well? What about your 'degree from one of the worlds best universities'?


Yes, No



So why all the rubbish about the vendetta? You very very insistant on that as well.


I think we can take most of what you have posted as just figments of your imagination.

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The only joke around here is you sunshine... One sad lonely young man who needs to get out more and find a life.

Do you not think that's going a bit far?

No - we now have an admission from him that what we all suspected was correct - he's just a sad person seeking attention with wild stories about CS vendettas and other conspiracy theory rubbish

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The only joke around here is you sunshine... One sad lonely young man who needs to get out more and find a life.

Do you not think that's going a bit far?

No - we now have an admission from him that what we all suspected was correct - he's just a sad person seeking attention with wild stories about CS vendettas and other conspiracy theory rubbish


Whether there is a vendetta or not, one thing is true: what goes around, comes around.


'I will bless those who bless you,

And I will curse him who curses you.' Genesis 12:3

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TJ - Education... yet in reply to Kevster you heavily imply that education is brainwashing.


You also talk about the removal of liberty but surely any form of population control is a removing an individual's liberties?


"Population control" is a loaded term.I don't believe in controlling anyone; I prefer education and raising the standard of living as the means to lower the population. Poverty and lack of education are the root cause of overpopulation. It's not just religion.


BUT......according to you education is brainwashing?


So the answer to the problem is more brainwashing which you state is unacceptable. How do you hold these two views without being conflicted?


And who said anything about religion!

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TJ - Education... yet in reply to Kevster you heavily imply that education is brainwashing.


You also talk about the removal of liberty but surely any form of population control is a removing an individual's liberties?


"Population control" is a loaded term.I don't believe in controlling anyone; I prefer education and raising the standard of living as the means to lower the population. Poverty and lack of education are the root cause of overpopulation. It's not just religion.


BUT......according to you education is brainwashing?


So the answer to the problem is more brainwashing which you state is unacceptable. How do you hold these two views without being conflicted?


And who said anything about religion!


I mentioned religion because it's almost always brought up as the primary reason for overpopulation, particularly the Catholic Church and its position on contraception. Education need not be brainwashing. Education is a neutral tool; it is down to the educator whether it is used to encourage learning and critical independent thinking or to encourage obedience and indoctrination.

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