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Un Agenda 21


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Quote from Sir David Attenborough


He warned if humans do not act soon, the natural world will do something, as he argues famine in Ethiopia is about too many people for too little piece of land. He suggested humans are "blinding ourselves" to the problem, claiming: "We say, get the United Nations to send them bags of flour. That's barmy.


Sir David Attenborough: If we do not control population, the natural world will - Telegraph



BioEdge: UK bioethicists promoting a second wave of eugenics. http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10683

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Quote from Sir David Attenborough


He warned if humans do not act soon, the natural world will do something, as he argues famine in Ethiopia is about too many people for too little piece of land. He suggested humans are "blinding ourselves" to the problem, claiming: "We say, get the United Nations to send them bags of flour. That's barmy.


Sir David Attenborough: If we do not control population, the natural world will - Telegraph



BioEdge: UK bioethicists promoting a second wave of eugenics. http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10683


Stealth eugenics is all around us already. You think central planners don't know the western diet/lifestyle is condusive to an early grave and hence advocate it while making money off it as well? Cancer is a eugenicist's dream. It'll affect 1 in 2 before too long and the causes of it are all around us everywhere you turn, you really struggle to avoid it daily. Great if you want to keep the population in check, not so great if you're one of the unlucky ones to get it.

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I must admit to being a little perplexed by the apparent lack of success in attempting to eradicate cancer.


They don't want to eradicate it. It acts as a very useful safety valve on the human population, all the while making the corporations/governments a shitload of money treating it with barbaric treatments like slash, poison or burn.

You or I aren't a priority, managing the population of planet earth and the individual tax farms and their economies is.

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  • 1 month later...

I am curious to see how deep your rabbit hole goes....


Who is 'they'? The Government? Pharma companies? Cancer charities? The World Health Organisation?


Why not cure Cancer but do cure all other illnesses that have been eradicated over the last 50 years?




They don't want to eradicate it. It acts as a very useful safety valve on the human population, all the while making the corporations/governments a shitload of money treating it with barbaric treatments like slash, poison or burn.

You or I aren't a priority, managing the population of planet earth and the individual tax farms and their economies is.

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I am curious to see how deep your rabbit hole goes....


Who is 'they'? The Government? Pharma companies? Cancer charities? The World Health Organisation?


Why not cure Cancer but do cure all other illnesses that have been eradicated over the last 50 years?




They don't want to eradicate it. It acts as a very useful safety valve on the human population, all the while making the corporations/governments a shitload of money treating it with barbaric treatments like slash, poison or burn.

You or I aren't a priority, managing the population of planet earth and the individual tax farms and their economies is.


There is in effect little difference between the upper levels of the WHO, government policy and big pharma. They are all symbiotic. Codex Alimentarius, Agenda 21 and other global initiatives are a case in point. Policy is decided upon at UN level, is implemented down via it's agencies and then acted upon by governments, who have for decades worked very closely with the huge global pharmaceutical industry.

Cancer is a huge cash cow as well as being very efficient at keeping in check population levels in the western world, a place that has major demographic issues stored up to hit just at a time when our economies are now buckling under the strain of managing these societal problems. I would posit that anything that has a 1 in 3 death rate is a very useful tool in the battle to balance economies at the present time. Take the issues Alan Bell keeps banging on about potentially bringing down the island's economy in the coming years, extrapolate that across the western world and it's not advantageous to have the majority of people living well into their 80's/90's.

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Agenda 21 for The Highways.


"The government has lied about the use and capabilities of black boxes in cars. Now the mask comes off of MAP 21 a blueprint for decreasing privacy, increasing taxes and physically controlling your movement".


I'll believe it when it comes from a legitimate news organisation, not somewhere run by conspiracy theorist nutters

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Agenda 21 for The Highways.


"The government has lied about the use and capabilities of black boxes in cars. Now the mask comes off of MAP 21 a blueprint for decreasing privacy, increasing taxes and physically controlling your movement".


I'll believe it when it comes from a legitimate news organisation, not somewhere run by conspiracy theorist nutters


InfoWars.com is as legitimate as a news organisation can get. In other words, not very, but a lot more believable than the mainstream media like the paedos at the BBC.

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InfoWars.com is as legitimate as a news organisation can get. In other words, not very, but a lot more believable than the mainstream media like the paedos at the BBC.

I think you'll find that the vast majority of BBC staff are not 'paedos'. I know someone who works for Tesco who has a criminal record, does that make all Tesco staff criminals?


I'll take auntie over your chemtrail mates at infowars anytime

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