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Un Agenda 21


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I think you'll find that the vast majority of BBC staff are not 'paedos'. I know someone who works for Tesco who has a criminal record, does that make all Tesco staff criminals?



Please explain.....


Nobody said all BBC staff were paedos. You're employing the argument from absurdity fallacy, i.e. taking someone's point to an absurd extreme in order to discredit it.

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Pretty deep then...




I am curious to see how deep your rabbit hole goes....


Who is 'they'? The Government? Pharma companies? Cancer charities? The World Health Organisation?


Why not cure Cancer but do cure all other illnesses that have been eradicated over the last 50 years?




There is in effect little difference between the upper levels of the WHO, government policy and big pharma. They are all symbiotic. Codex Alimentarius, Agenda 21 and other global initiatives are a case in point. Policy is decided upon at UN level, is implemented down via it's agencies and then acted upon by governments, who have for decades worked very closely with the huge global pharmaceutical industry.

Cancer is a huge cash cow as well as being very efficient at keeping in check population levels in the western world, a place that has major demographic issues stored up to hit just at a time when our economies are now buckling under the strain of managing these societal problems. I would posit that anything that has a 1 in 3 death rate is a very useful tool in the battle to balance economies at the present time. Take the issues Alan Bell keeps banging on about potentially bringing down the island's economy in the coming years, extrapolate that across the western world and it's not advantageous to have the majority of people living well into their 80's/90's.

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Pretty deep then...




I am curious to see how deep your rabbit hole goes....


Who is 'they'? The Government? Pharma companies? Cancer charities? The World Health Organisation?


Why not cure Cancer but do cure all other illnesses that have been eradicated over the last 50 years?




There is in effect little difference between the upper levels of the WHO, government policy and big pharma. They are all symbiotic. Codex Alimentarius, Agenda 21 and other global initiatives are a case in point. Policy is decided upon at UN level, is implemented down via it's agencies and then acted upon by governments, who have for decades worked very closely with the huge global pharmaceutical industry.

Cancer is a huge cash cow as well as being very efficient at keeping in check population levels in the western world, a place that has major demographic issues stored up to hit just at a time when our economies are now buckling under the strain of managing these societal problems. I would posit that anything that has a 1 in 3 death rate is a very useful tool in the battle to balance economies at the present time. Take the issues Alan Bell keeps banging on about potentially bringing down the island's economy in the coming years, extrapolate that across the western world and it's not advantageous to have the majority of people living well into their 80's/90's.


Of course. You need to go as deep as you can to escape the chemtrails over Douglas Bay.

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I don't know why people keep making fun of anyone who brings up chemtrails. They're a FACT. They're in the f_cking skies as clear as daylight! They're not just commercial planes going past and leaving a trail, they're clearly planes being sent out to deliberately emit chemicals into our air. Wake up and get your heads out of the sand. We are being systematically MURDERED.

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I don't know why people keep making fun of anyone who brings up chemtrails. They're a FACT. They're in the f_cking skies as clear as daylight! They're not just commercial planes going past and leaving a trail, they're clearly planes being sent out to deliberately emit chemicals into our air. Wake up and get your heads out of the sand. We are being systematically MURDERED.

Ever thought of joining IQ21?

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I don't know why people keep making fun of anyone who brings up chemtrails. They're a FACT. They're in the f_cking skies as clear as daylight! They're not just commercial planes going past and leaving a trail, they're clearly planes being sent out to deliberately emit chemicals into our air. Wake up and get your heads out of the sand. We are being systematically MURDERED.



Worth a watch. The follow up documentary 'Why In The World Are They Spraying' is also good viewing as well. Geoengineering is very real and openly acknowledged by climate scientists. It's the law of unintended consequences that's the issue. As alluded to by the American climate change scientist and world's most recognised geoengineer David Keith 8 mins in who said 'It's not really a moral hazard, more like free-riding on our grandkids'......and....'There could be something terrible we'll find tomorrow (about the human toxicological impacts of spraying megatons of aluminium into the atmosphere)'.

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What is the Club of Rome?


"Founded in the late 1960's, the Club of Rome brings influential members of global business, politics and the intelligentsia together to tackle looming, worldwide problems. On the surface, it sounds it could be almost any other think tank. However, numerous theorists think there's something more to the story".


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I don't know why people keep making fun of anyone who brings up chemtrails. They're a FACT. They're in the f_cking skies as clear as daylight! They're not just commercial planes going past and leaving a trail, they're clearly planes being sent out to deliberately emit chemicals into our air. Wake up and get your heads out of the sand. We are being systematically MURDERED.


Give it a rest FFS. The only dangerous chemicals you need to watch out for are the ones you are smoking

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I don't know why people keep making fun of anyone who brings up chemtrails. They're a FACT. They're in the f_cking skies as clear as daylight! They're not just commercial planes going past and leaving a trail, they're clearly planes being sent out to deliberately emit chemicals into our air. Wake up and get your heads out of the sand. We are being systematically MURDERED.


Give it a rest FFS. The only dangerous chemicals you need to watch out for are the ones you are smoking

TJ is right.


Try boiling a pan of tap water till it is dry and look at the crap left in the bottom of the pan. you can also do this with rainwater after a heavily chemtrailed sky. you could chuck the residue into a gas flame to see what colour it goes, gives some idea what the residue is.


Then do a google search on geo-engineering and HAARP. The snow on IOM in March was preseded by HAARP activity and chemtrails, snow in March is pretty unusual. I think about 20,000 livestock were lost on island all in all, if that is not an act of war then I do not know what is. Weather wars and we are at the wrong end of these weapons.


If you still do not get it then i suggest you go get your flu jab because it is good for you, continue to watch the BBC and continue to post nonsense on Manxforums.

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Try boiling a pan of tap water till it is dry and look at the crap left in the bottom of the pan. you can also do this with rainwater after a heavily chemtrailed sky. you could chuck the residue into a gas flame to see what colour it goes, gives some idea what the residue is.


You are joking aren't you or didn't you do chemistry at school?

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Try boiling a pan of tap water till it is dry and look at the crap left in the bottom of the pan. you can also do this with rainwater after a heavily chemtrailed sky. you could chuck the residue into a gas flame to see what colour it goes, gives some idea what the residue is.


You are joking aren't you or didn't you do chemistry at school?

no joke, unfortunately


you may have to boil more than 1 litre of tap water to get a tiny bit of residue.


tap water has salts (crap) in it - easily verifiable fact - you can do this yourself




argue like a twat on a forum or just do it - francis bacon on counting the teeth of a horse

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