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if you think rainwater containing salts is ok then there is nothing more i can say.


it is like saying distilled water containing salts is ok


distilled water should be pure as should rainwater


That's one of most amusing posts I've read on here.


Rainwater does contain salts, its anything but chemically pure.


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if you think rainwater containing salts is ok then there is nothing more i can say.


it is like saying distilled water containing salts is ok


distilled water should be pure as should rainwater


That's one of most amusing posts I've read on here.


Rainwater does contain salts, its anything but chemically pure.



QED? How? There are many natural reasons why rainwater is not chemically pure.

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You don't have to go back very far to remember when cars were left covered in a fine ash after a shower of rain following the volcanic eruptions in Iceland. I can recall several occasions when sandstorms in the Sahara have resulted in rain depositing sand over nortern Europe - including here.


Raindrops actually need a small particle sand, ash, or whatever to allow supercooled water to actually freeze around - this happens in clouds. The resulting bit of ice, falls and melts and becomes known to us as rain. The small particle is still there and makes the water 'impure'.

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Rainwater - even without man made polution, is naturally acidic due to CO2 , NO, and SO2 in the atmosphere. It has a pH of around 5.7 IIRC


Yes, but does that mean man-made acidification and toxification, some of it deliberate according to "conspiracy nuts", is acceptable?

I don't deny that industrial activity is increasing the level of rain water acidity and it certainly should be controlled.


I do disagree though that chemicals are being pumped into the air by some ruling elite in order to control the masses as you have previously insisted is the case


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Rainwater - even without man made polution, is naturally acidic due to CO2 , NO, and SO2 in the atmosphere. It has a pH of around 5.7 IIRC

Yes, but does that mean man-made acidification and toxification, some of it deliberate according to "conspiracy nuts", is acceptable?

I don't deny that industrial activity is increasing the level of rain water acidity and it certainly should be controlled.


I do disagree though that chemicals are being pumped into the air by some ruling elite in order to control the masses as you have previously insisted is the case

I don't think any person with a full compliment of marbles upstairs would suggest that some shadowy elite are intentionally spraying us to death while they sit in their chemical-proof lair smoking Cubans.


However geoengineering is very real and a mixture of aluminium, barium and other foreign bodies are being sprayed into the atmosphere at various levels to geoengineer the planet for some reason. That much has been openly admitted by leading scientists. The real issue is what is the long term side effect of this on the environment and everything in it.

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However geoengineering is very real and a mixture of aluminium, barium and other foreign bodies are being sprayed into the atmosphere at various levels to geoengineer the planet for some reason. That much has been openly admitted by leading scientists.


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However geoengineering is very real and a mixture of aluminium, barium and other foreign bodies are being sprayed into the atmosphere at various levels to geoengineer the planet for some reason. That much has been openly admitted by leading scientists.




Stand by for a jokey denial from Lx^3.
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take a bucket of rainwater boil the fuck out of it and examine the contents of what is left after you boil the water away.


not so hard is it?


Got to love the way you simply choose to ignore any posts that explain what you're seeing. Repeating someone doesn't make it correct, but I suppose ignorance is bliss.

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take a bucket of rainwater boil the fuck out of it and examine the contents of what is left after you boil the water away.


not so hard is it?

What is the bucket made of? What else has the bucket been used for? How do you clean it before collecting the rain water? Do you use the bucket or another container to boil your water sample in? Basically how are you preventing contamination of your water sample at home?


How are you testing the residue to identify what it is?


This is how science works. You analyse and challenge and have your results checked and the experiment repeated by peers.


ETA - Fixed the misquote.

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However geoengineering is very real and a mixture of aluminium, barium and other foreign bodies are being sprayed into the atmosphere at various levels to geoengineer the planet for some reason. That much has been openly admitted by leading scientists.


Watch the 'What In The World Are They Spraying' link I posted earlier.

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However geoengineering is very real and a mixture of aluminium, barium and other foreign bodies are being sprayed into the atmosphere at various levels to geoengineer the planet for some reason. That much has been openly admitted by leading scientists.




Stand by for a jokey denial from Lx^3.



Watch the 'What In The World Are They Spraying' link I posted earlier.

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