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The Real Drug Problem


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So, there the US of A spends gazillions to fight the evils of weed, when the real problem seems to be:


Painkiller addictions worst drug epidemic in US history



Anyone know if it's mainly across the pond or also somewhat applicable/a problem in Europe/UK/IOM? Luckily, I've never needed any strong painkillers, but I imagine it could be a problem anywhere? Especially if doctors send patients on their way with a wild collection of the finest drugs there are for turning up at A&E? (Happened to me once at Nobles.)

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It's been a pretty huge problem in the US for ages, in fact 'House' was based on Dr House having a vicodin addiction.


It's a problem over here too, but I think they're a little more stringent on doling it out (though you do still read "painkillers missing on bus" etc

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It would appear that some (lots) of GP's prescribe opioids in a most cavalier fashion and the figures for prescribed painkiller-addiction aren't considered when compiling the UK's national addiction statistics so it's probably impossible to know just how many people suffer the consequences of what amounts to irresponsible prescribing by GP's. Repeat prescriptions for these drugs seem to know no bounds.


The addition of caffeine to some of the over the counter preparations is another ingredient specifically added to increase the 'lift' given by consumption of the product. Caffeine is classed as a 'Euphoric'. So, in essence, there are two addictive ingredients in over-the-counter pharmaceuticals.


Amadeus is right about the hysteria peddled out when it comes to the evils of the weed. Having had numerous prescriptions for Co-codamol, Temgesic and other pain-killers, doled-out willy-nilly, i know which i prefer to treat the symptoms related to my arthritis, and which is the most effective.


Definitely something wrong, somewhere....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never had it but Valium appears to be the middle class equivalent to smack. Highly addictive and kills the social life. Very bad m'kay.

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Hahahaha I love it, the mini bee involves herself with 'the soaps', every so often they will make an announcement at the end of the show encouraging people who have been effected by the events on the show to phone a help line - strike me, if you are effected by stuff on a soap opera I think you need a psychiatrist, never mind some helpline.

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