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How Have Non Muslims Been Treated In Muslim Countries In The Past?

Thomas Jefferson

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TJ - You did not cite your source in your thread therefore it is plagiarism. The fact that you drew no conclusion also suggests to me either a lack of understanding of the subject (hence the apparent need to pass of someone else's work as yours) or that you have done this in an attempt to be knowledgeable based on a search for free text.

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You've also made claims about having more than one degree as well as referring to your 'Professor.'

Are there any posts you've made that can ever be taken seriously?





P.S. The only "degree" I have is from a McDonald's Bigger Flipping course. I guess I'm just not as smart as you university know it alls with your fancy letters after your names. I bow to your superior knowledge. Oy gevalt iz mir. sad.png

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TJ - You did not cite your source in your thread therefore it is plagiarism. The fact that you drew no conclusion also suggests to me either a lack of understanding of the subject (hence the apparent need to pass of someone else's work as yours) or that you have done this in an attempt to be knowledgeable based on a search for free text.


I can understand how you might have missed where I cited the source, seeing as how it's hidden in the FIRST AND ONLY SENTENCE of the opening post.

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I've never been to university.


Strange, you've previously claimed you got into a top university. Were you lying then or now?


I refer you to post 10 - http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/54801-unis-change-their-mind


Why does it matter? Everything should be judged on the content of a person's words (or their character), not whether they have letters after their name.

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I've never been to university.


Strange, you've previously claimed you got into a top university. Were you lying then or now?


I refer you to post 10 - http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/54801-unis-change-their-mind


Why does it matter? Everything should be judged on the content of a person's words (or their character), not whether they have letters after their name.


The issue is not about the value of university, the issue is about your credibility. So for once don't try to bluff your way out and answer the question actually being asked. Were you lying then or now about going to a top university?


By the way, I also still have the private message you sent me stating that you went to one of the World's top universities.

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I've been to several muslim countries and as a non muslim myself I was most warmly received and felt very welcome.


Agreed. I've always found them very hospitable, both in the Muslim world, in the UK, and in the Isle of Man. The book cited in the opening post refers to the middle ages and I cherry picked the negative parts. Non-believers were a lot better off in Muslim countries than in Christian Europe.

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To be fair to TJ he did post this as part of the opening sentence:


I thought I'd post a few QUOTES I snipped together from Bat Ye'or, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam.



It may well not be referenced in the proper manner you'd expect for a university assignement/paper/thesis/dissertation but ffs this is an internet forum, crikey for this place he didn't even have to be put any reference and yet he did, he made no claim whatsoever for what was quoted as his own work......you lot are a tough audience!

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He did - but they were running late so the coach trip didn't stop there.


Speaking of the Islamic world, it used to be us who were considered the barbarians...




The University of al-Karaouine or al-Qarawiyyin (Arabic: جامعة القرويين‎) is a university located in Fes, Morocco. The al-Karaouine mosque was founded by Fatima al-Fihri in 859 with an associated school, or madrasa, which subsequently became one of the leading spiritual and educational centers of the historic Muslim world.


According to Guinness World Records, al-Karaouine is the oldest existing educational institution in the world. It has also been officially recognized by UNESCO as the world's oldest university.

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Indeed. Nice use of the edit function..



To be fair to TJ he did post this as part of the opening sentence:


I thought I'd post a few QUOTES I snipped together from Bat Ye'or, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam.


In the original, I didn't write "quotes", I said "notes I jotted down from ......" but the meaning is exactly the same.

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In the original, I didn't write "quotes", I said "notes I jotted down from ......" but the meaning is exactly the same.


No, they're not the same. A quote is precisely that, notes should be your own take on something.


Are you going to answer the question posed in post 22?


Ps. Selective editing to attempt to make subsequent posts illogical is not good form.

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