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How Have Non Muslims Been Treated In Muslim Countries In The Past?

Thomas Jefferson

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You only have to walk down s street in London to see islamisation. Something else not reported in UK media is the growing violent attacks on Jews, overwhelming by Muslims.


How do you know?


Are you asking me how I know islamisation when I see it or how I know there is an increasing occurrence of violence against Jews in Britain?

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The Jpost is a very long way from being 'one of the most respected newspapers in the world.' it is every bit as bigoted and unreliable as the Daily Mail [unless, of course, you're willing to accept that nothing Israel does could ever possibly be wrong!] It certainly neither has, nor deserves, the much superior reputation of Al Jazeera for unbiased reporting of events in the Middle East.

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The Jpost is a very long way from being 'one of the most respected newspapers in the world.' it is every bit as bigoted and unreliable as the Daily Mail [unless, of course, you're willing to accept that nothing Israel does could ever possibly be wrong!] It certainly neither has, nor deserves, the much superior reputation of Al Jazeera for unbiased reporting of events in the Middle East.


Any reasonable person will discard editorial spin and digest the facts that can be gleamed from an article. That goes for any news source. Most of the time, the online version of most of these news sources merely copy and paste from the Associated Press.

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The threat of 'islamisation' is, i fear, too far out of the national psyche for people to believe it's a real danger to British culture or our Judeo-christian origins. Yet....


Hence the 'leftie' kow-towing, or dhimmitude that's going on which panders and placates the 'sensibilities' of muslims in the UK and Europe. On a one-to-one basis, the muslims i come into contact with are pleasant and respectful. I make a point of issuing the islamic greeting of 'Salamalakum'; this brings a look of surprise, occasionally. When i explain that i'm 'reaching out' and attempting to put them at ease, it's appreciated. Even more surprising when i explain that i'm a raving atheist who despises ALL religion, on a 'Dawkinsian' level.


Woolley has it right; the real concern will be when the demographic of muslims comes close to, or exceeds our native culture, whether that be secular-based or otherwise. The numbers of adherents and, lately, converts to islam is rising (strangely-enough, with females) and the indoctrination of the vulnerable in the prison's is increasing.


The link posted above is worth reading for anyone interested in this subject, the notion of 'moderate' muslims is put into perspective. There really is no such thing.


Multi-culturalism hasn't worked; ask Angela Merkel. Ask any European who has seen an increase in 'no-go', sharia-controlled areas in their locale. Dismay has turned to anger, the clash of cultures is very much a reality also for parts of the UK. Sharia courts are rife right across Britain; a system of law exists that is very different to our own and where our laws are deemed un-necessary, or rather, un-islamic.


So how far will British society go before the tolerant become intolerant? Already we have the burkha issue where much hand-ringing is going on over whether our culture can dictate to another, imported one, because that's basically the bone of contention. And the problems that arise in 'faith schools' where, in some, all the female kids have to cover their heads but the crucifix is banned! Those on the left, the socialists and liberals are having a tough time dealing with these issues.


If we are to retain our identity, our 'British-ness', everything that constitutes what we think we stand for, whether that be English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh (and Manx, i forgot), there is a need to centre on the future of our culture, our heritage, not the needs of another which in the most part, refuses to assimilate or respect the culture it immigrated into and appears to stand around looking for insult.


Let's not forget, islam is not a race, it's not something that has a definite ethnic identity, as with all religions, it matters not where you come from but what you believe. That's the dangerous bit- when an ideology purports to be a religion, it demands respect and carries a sense of entitlement far above that which it deserves.

Once more horse manure dressed up supposedly intellectual analysis.

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The threat of 'islamisation' is, i fear, too far out of the national psyche for people to believe it's a real danger to British culture or our Judeo-christian origins. Yet....




Let's not forget, islam is not a race, it's not something that has a definite ethnic identity, as with all religions, it matters not where you come from but what you believe. That's the dangerous bit- when an ideology purports to be a religion, it demands respect and carries a sense of entitlement far above that which it deserves.

Once more horse manure dressed up supposedly intellectual analysis.

Which part? Can you give us a superior analysis?

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