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Open Your Mind's, Cannabis Cures Every Ailment Known To Man


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There have been many government and pharmaceutical company funded studies that point out the alleged downsides of cannabis use.

The latest ones all seem to concentrate on the alleged effects in later life of its use in a persons formative years, what I have not seen in any of these studies are statistics showing how many of those who's mental states have allegedly been adversely affected were already showing signs of potential mental illness in their youth.

It is too easy for surveys and questionnaires to ask a question in such a way that the answers given reflect the underlying wishes of the person asking the question.

Whilst a possible link between drug use and mental health issues cannot be ruled out, the same can be said for countless other factors in a persons life.

It could be argued that a person growing up in an unhappy home is both more likely to develop mental health issues whilst also being more likely to use recreational drugs as an escape from their unhappiness.

I have a friend, who as a youth was a regular cannabis user. He now, and has for years, suffers with mental health issues. I personally believe that his condition has more to do with the way his parents treated him than the fact he used to have the odd smoke to escape his life.

The top and bottom of it is that there are harmful drugs available that are sanctioned by governments whilst other, arguably less harmful ones, are illegal.

The amount of resource's wasted on the futile fight against the use of cannabis is astronomical. As has been stated previously in this thread, many on the front line of the so called fight against the use of cannabis see it as a war they cannot win.

Lets face it it, how much does it cost to go through the arrest, court and imprisonment of someone who may have been caught in possession of £20 worth of cannabis, let alone the fact that these people are criminalised for the rest of their life for partaking in an activity that arguably causes less harm than a trip to the pub.

Another factor that needs to be considered is that the dealers in cannabis are also the dealers in more harmful drugs, this means that the cannabis user is more likely to be offered something else if there is a shortage of the product.

By de-criminalising cannabis you would remove the direct link to Class A drugs that currently exists.

I accept many of the points you make, but I would challenge the assertion that cannabis doesn't have a considerable effect on the mental health of young people who's bodies and minds are still in the development stage. Without having time at the moment to search for them, I know there are numerous studies in which the link between cannabis use and mental health problems are a very long way beyond the possibility of coincidence.

The second point that ought to be understood is that, although the chemicals within cannabis may have extremely helpful properties when it comes to dealing with several ailments, smoking - any kind of smoking - causes damage to the lungs and that is the most common way of using the plant by far. That is harmful - there can be no doubt about it whatsoever.

Add to that the fact that cannabis - when smoked - produces benzyprene: this alters a tumour-suppressing gene called p53 and 75% of lung cancer sufferers have faulty p53 genes.

There is more information at http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-help/about-cancer/cancer-questions/does-smoking-cannabis-cause-cancer [i've posted the link before to Cancer Research UK before but it was poo-pooed by those who want to want to see everyone as high as kites or merely wish to justify their own stupidity]

The title of the thread is the kind of pathetic, ill-thought-out rubbish that would only be proclaimed by someone with an IQ that doesn't match up to room temperature. The fact is that cannabis may have properties that will eventually turn out to be of considerable use to medical science - but hailing it as the messiah of drugs is just pathetic.

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Lonan, heehee your as vehemently against as I am pro & probably with good grounds...as have I. I like you so I'm not going to have the screaming hab dabs, if it was someone else posting that, I'd be going off the wall smile.png

I'm not against in terms of it being properly researched and used medically. I have a spray which is based on TNT; it can save my life - but I wouldn't want to smoke it!

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Hey man, isn't it, like, 2013, man.


Oogaboogaliehoogboogie!!! Opps, sorry, that was supposed to go in the spells thread. I'm a witch you see. Righteous.


Anyway, you're not a rebel or a hippy because you smoke a bit of low grade rocky that someone has imported up their ass crevice. Not does it make you insightful or learned in medical matters. M'kay.


Moreover, I did some searching as you wished and I found the stoners handbook, 10 best cannabis edibles (high times), loads of crap about space cakes and brownies. People eat it to get fucked up, nothing to do with eeking out tumour reducing enzymes. If, however, someone is unlucky enough to have an actual tumour, science need to be able to extract the active ingredient from the plants that is helpful, not just recommend that everyone start eating a load of super skunk.


People who are prone to mental health issues will be catapulted into the big time if they started munching a quarter a week. Again, very, very bad m,kay.


As I said before, anyone who believes eating a few buds of skunk will improve their health is seriously misguided.




Anyone who thinks eating dope is actually going to improve your health is off their coconut.

What year is it where you live man ?

There's no witches and there's no slaves nowadays neither.

Google "cannabis edibles" and read about it, see why people do it, might be you or someone you know one day.

Be quiet about cannabis next time if you can't be bothered, instead of ruining progressive threads with superstitious mumbo jumbo from back in the day.


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Which part of the island is your cave at anyway Dalby, I'd love to visit. No, I don't smoke rocky and so we'll just skip the remaining drivel there...

M'kay - wtf.

Hard to find something worth quoting really.. so..hmmm.

You said people were coconuts eating weed, I said they weren't and that your views are strictly oldschool and that is the real problem here.

You again state that people should not eat weed. I again say wrong, it can be extremely beneficial and so people should eat weed.

You said something like, "if it's not just for curing cancer and it's not in pill form then they're wrong taking it because they are only doing it to get fucked up".

I say, simply put, millions take it for many, many reasons personal to them, the man has no business in this, you don't either really, but you felt the need to comment all the same, so I felt the need to give you a little tickle.

Anyway pal, put down your soapbar and your Stoner's Handbooks for a minute, maybe look at Granny Storm Crow list 2013, this is where the facts lie on this issue. It's not in that cliched old shit you just turned up with.

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Lol. I've looked at that FB page. It looks like a conspiracy theorists wet dream.


Here is a shortened list of things you can expect to be cured from (or assisted with) by eating weed:





Bipolar disorder

Bowel disorder

Thyroid problems






Downs syndrome




Heart disease

Isaacs syndrome

Mad cow disease

Legionnaires disease



Radiation sickness

Restless leg syndrome

Sickle cell





I think smallpox is my favourite. Or maybe obesity. No, definitely obesity. No munchies allowed.


The big pharma companies haven't simply missed this miracle drug by accident, the claims are just too tenuous.


Let me provide an example. If 5 people were ill and I gave all of them a drink of lemonade, those who got better I could claim were mended by the lemonade. Lets say, for the sake of argument, that 1 person got better I would claim a 20% success rate and everyone got better I would claim a 100% success rate. Well done my lemonade! These studies are done by people without definable parameters under unsubstantiated conditions without appropriate variables or controls.


Lets hope that weed can also cure the brainwashed!

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In a far off country, long, long ago, i watched a local farmer making hashish; from the pollen produced by the flowering tops. The first thing he did was to spit profusely into his hands so as to stop the pollen caking on his fingers. He continued to hawk and spit throughout the process. His lazy ol' dog, who looked just as zonked as he was, got up and cocked his leg over the tub containing the goods and pissed all over it- much to the amusement of farmer.


Don't eat it, uncooked, it's potentially poisonous and with some of the adulterated hashish available now, you just don't know what's in it. If you insist on consuming it, fry it at a reasonably high temperature, in butter and allow to cool before using as normal. Apparently the high fat content of the butter enables better absorption.


Thanks to the man in the pub for the culinary tip....


Remember children, drugs are for mugs, just say no!

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Lol. I've looked at that FB page. It looks like a conspiracy theorists wet dream.

Lol indeed. Unfortunately I didn't direct you to the Facebook page, it's a bit useless.



So even when provided with a mountain of peer reviewed medical studies, because it's cannabis and Dalby don't like it, it's seen as not real evidence.

Brainwashed ? Get out of here you time waster with your Lemonade stories.

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