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Silk Road Busted


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So popular online marketplace Silk Road has been shut down and it's owner Dread Pirate Roberts nicked.




The figures are staggering, the amount of drugs sold through this site was enormous. And the amount of money earnt, woosh.


Wish I'd got involved in bitcoin back when it started.

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Just picked it up on Twitter




I read about the site recently and accessed it a few weeks ago, read the link if you want to get the picture


What was facinating was it's potential as a game changer, in the way that the internet has decimated the high street, here was the online version of the local drug dealer


The only thing I couldn't really understand was the payment method "bitcoins" I could see how the consumer would remain anymous but I don't see how the retailer could use large amounts of this currency, i.e. put it in a bank account


It looks like ther will be a plethora of similar sites will spring up given the amounts of money involved in Silk Road, could bitcoin banking be the next big thing for the Island ?

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Saw a feature on the Silk Road on tv & it did seem an alternative to the nasty street drug scene


Clearly the war against drugs is failing & the licensing of silk road type operations may be a way forward


What would the gangsters turn to if they're role in drug supply was removed?

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The initial mistakes were pretty stupid, he probably never thought it would get so big. The later ones, allegations of hitmen etc suggest the success went to his head. As soon as he gave the interview to Forbes saying they won't catch me it was clear he'd be caught.

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5 life sentences and no possibility of parole for Ross Ulbricht, an astonishingly harsh sentence from a completely fucking mental country.




"Only" two of the sentences were life.


"Richard B., whose 25-year-old son died of a heroin overdose, expressed his anger at the people who have defended Ulbricht publicly. “Since Mr Ulbricht’s arrest, we have endured the persistent drumbeat of his supporters and their insistence that Silk Road was victimless,” he said. “I strongly believe that my son would be here today if Silk Road had never existed.”


You've got to be kidding me. Silk Road didn't kill your kid, being a junkie did. What happened to personal responsibility?

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. What happened to personal responsibility?


That sentiment swings both ways - Mr Ulbricht knew what he was doing, and went to great lengths to hide his personal responsibility in establishing a multimillion dollar platform for illegal activity.


Consequences. Sometimes they come back at you.


There are many more people to sympathize with in the craziness of the US's war on drugs before you get to him.

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