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Silk Road Busted


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Corporal punishment effective? For some people it is the only punishment that is effective short of execution.


As for an example, I know personally two juvenile delinquents who were birched and who were absolutely turned round out of nothing but raw fear of a repeat. One lived in Onchan Royal Avenue West, the other (unsurprisingly) in Pullrose.


For some people, possibly those with some forms of genetic moral terpitude because such things do tend to run in families, physical pain is the only way of 'getting through'.


Rubbish, societies have been executing people for crimes since society began, and yet people still commit heinous crimes.


You think the criminal justice system in the UK/IOM is bad, just wait until we get the corporate "paid per bed" American system, where it is far more profitable to have a poor and uneducated under class to ensure a large potential group of future criminals to keep the cells full and the money flowing.

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I believe that the IOM / UK punishment regime is far and away too soft.


I believe your experience/understanding of the UK/IOM criminal justice systems is based entirely on what you have read in sensational newspaper articles.

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I believe that the IOM / UK punishment regime is far and away too soft.


I believe your experience/understanding of the UK/IOM criminal justice systems is based entirely on what you have read in sensational newspaper articles.

Then you are mistaken. While still living on the Island I has dealings with offenders and their families as part of my work.

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That's not a good analogy. Children are bad at decisionmaking. If you sell an adult a rope and he hangs himself it's not your responsibility.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? A rope is not a class A drug, or a weapon, or stolen credentials, or any of the other obviously illegal and life destroying items bought and sold on The Silk Road.



EDIT: even then, he didn't sell the drugs. It's more like if I sell someone a rope on eBay and they hang themselves it's not eBay's fault.

You're just ignoring me now, so I'm giving up. Suggest you read the details of his involvement in the trade.

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I believe that the IOM / UK punishment regime is far and away too soft.

I believe your experience/understanding of the UK/IOM criminal justice systems is based entirely on what you have read in sensational newspaper articles.

Then you are mistaken. While still living on the Island I has dealings with offenders and their families as part of my work.



So what did you do to help prevent people having to/or choose to commit crime? Or were you someone who benefitted from the results of crime, and would you have profited (directly or otherwise) from harsher sentences being levied?

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I believe that the IOM / UK punishment regime is far and away too soft.


I believe your experience/understanding of the UK/IOM criminal justice systems is based entirely on what you have read in sensational newspaper articles.

Then you are mistaken. While still living on the Island I has dealings with offenders and their families as part of my work.

So what did you do to help prevent people having to/or choose to commit crime? Or were you someone who benefitted from the results of crime, and would you have profited (directly or otherwise) from harsher sentences being levied?

I am an ordained minister of a Baptist Church.

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I am an ordained minister of a Baptist Church.




So if people are less likely to commit or less inclined to commit crime there would be no need for you and your particular brand of biased "assistance"?

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I am an ordained minister of a Baptist Church.



So if people are less likely to commit or less inclined to commit crime there would be no need for you and your particular brand of biased "assistance"?

Without people 'like me' for a great many people, both victims and criminals, life would be very much worse.

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I am an ordained minister of a Baptist Church.





Knew it.


Westboro, perhaps...?

Good grief no! FAR to liberal for my taste! ;)


To be serious, that shower are anything but Christian. They're even worse than the Roman Catholic lot.


And that's saying something, believe me.

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I am an ordained minister of a Baptist Church.


So if people are less likely to commit or less inclined to commit crime there would be no need for you and your particular brand of biased "assistance"?

Without people 'like me' for a great many people, both victims and criminals, life would be very much worse.



Its because of people like you, society is 200 years behind in its development.

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