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Global Wealth Has Doubled


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New report from Credit Suisse reports that despite a global recession, global wealth has doubled since the year 2000:




USA and Japan are the big winners in the growth race, but the UK and other European nations are also in the list of countries with positive gains.


The report does have this little sting in it's tail:


"Taken together, the bottom half of the global population own less than 1 percent of total wealth. In sharp contrast, the richest 10 percent hold 86 percent of the worlds wealth, and the top 1 percent alone account for 46 percent of global assets."


Distribution of wealth is getting worse.

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The distribution has been getting worse across the world since the 70s. I do wonder when the crunch is going to come that really does end the current system.

You're living in La La Land...there have been rich people since Ug! invented the wheel.


The system hasn't changed much since then overall...and is unlikely to change...why?





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LDV - you really are talking absolute rubbish - global inequality has been decreasing marketedly since the 1970s as the third world, and especially China stopped being havens of mad ideas and started to open their economies up to trade and competition.

I like the test at the start of this

by Hans Rosling.

In each of these pairs one country has twice the child mortality of the other - can you pick which one has the worse record?

Sri Lanka or Turkey
Poland or South Korea
Malaysia or Russia
Pakistan or Vietnam
Thailand or South Africa


The average score of his university students was 1.8 right - which is worse than random - ie disinformation has distorted the students views of the developing world. Erm back to what LDV was spouting hey!

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Haha next you will be telling us that a pound note is worth something lol.




The East is where the money is flowing too, since Maggie sold us down the river the UK and the west is going down the toilet.


Germany will always be strong because they "Make things" what does the UK do ?


Prepare to have more Chinese landlords.


If you have an hour and a half to waste have a look at this.


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Haha next you will be telling that a pound note is worth something lol.




The East is where the money is flowing too, since Maggie sold us down the river the UK and the west is going down the toilet.


Germany will always be strong because they "Make things" what does the UK do ?


Prepare to have more Chinese landlords.


If you have an hour and a half to waste have a look at this.


The island won't be competing against Jersey and Guernsey anymore, it'll be Hong Kong and Singapore. Game over.

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If you have an hour and a half to waste have a look at this.


I'd say the beginning is basically fake. I don't believe the dialogue is real and they've cut different scenes and different places to create a pretence.


Not a good start - so as they say on the TV "I'm out".

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Did you watch the whole thing?


Its actually telling you how the one percent are getting richer and richer as the rest of humanity spirals into debt.


Open you eyes, a tax system that is designed to make the rich become more wealthy, how is that fair ?


The wealth gap was 80% western countries 20% in the east, in the 20th century, over the next 50 years it will be 65% eastern countries 35% western.


The people who make money in the west will still make money but in the east.


Since manufacturing went from Europe we have seen a constant lowering of income for most, the only thing that's keeping Britain afloat is the property bubbles that it creates.


All the jobs get moved to the east, so how can wealth be created ?


Oh yeah and it actually isn't one percent who have the bulk of the wealth its 0.7%

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Distribution of wealth is getting worse.



Personally, I think the declining position of the working class in the west has more to do with the globalisation of production. I don't think an unequal distribution of wealth is the problem. The rich may be getting richer off the back of globalisation but I think globalisation was inevitable and would have undermined the working class here anyway. Taxing the rich more isn't going to bring industry back to the west.

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Haha next you will be telling us that a pound note is worth something lol.

Explain? My pound can buy food, property, fuel, clothes. It's worth something. Do you dispute that?

Prepare to have more Chinese landlords.

China's economy has grown, but with that comes the same problems the booming western economies had before the crash. China is now suffering from the similar post stimulus problems the rest of the worlds economies are facing, industrial overcapacity, property bubble and risk in assets making investment tricky. China's certainly not a dead cert at the moment, and I disagree with 'all the money is flowing east' unless you've got anything solid to back up that claim.


Have you?

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Money is flowing west to east...not only in loans to bail out US and UK governments, but in buying up shares too e.g. the chinese have been buying up lots of shares, such as in Tlems Warha the largest UK water company. At least they have better contol over their ploppity market than we do, and are more likely to avoid the same blubble.

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Money is flowing west to east...not only in loans to bail out US and UK governments, but in buying up shares too e.g. the chinese have been buying up lots of shares, such as in Tlems Warha the largest UK water company. At least they have better contol over their ploppity market than we do, and are more likely to avoid the same blubble.

Wouldn't that be east to west?
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Money is flowing west to east...not only in loans to bail out US and UK governments, but in buying up shares too e.g. the chinese have been buying up lots of shares, such as in Tlems Warha the largest UK water company. At least they have better contol over their ploppity market than we do, and are more likely to avoid the same blubble.

Wouldn't that be east to west?

Indeed, but you knew what I meant.

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