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Switch Off Your Mobile Phones!

Thomas Jefferson

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Why would anyone, with a modicum of common sense, do that? I suppose they could always put it on flight safe mode tho.

Your partner emits radiation, do you put them in flight safe mode while you sleep next to them too?

No I just put her on silent as she snores.

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And in the following year, did the 'floodgates open' for legal action?


He did 6 hours a day with a phone glued to his ear. That is not normal usage.

What about people who sleep with their phones right by them, as alarm clocks?

Why would anyone, with a modicum of common sense, do that? I suppose they could always put it on flight safe mode tho.


I also use my phone as an alarm clock, infact my phone replaced my watch 10 years ago!


With regards to radiation, how does this affect people using mobile internet?, even seen people use those 3g dongles and have a phone glued to their ear at the same time!

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The Police had issues with their tetra radios. Same thing?


manxy: There is a extra problem with Tetra radios because of the pulsing, and are the aerial masts transmitting 24/7 not just when a message is sent.


Does TETRA pulse? Does it matter? from the national research-based TETRA Airwave safety campaign. http://www.tetrawatch.net/tetra/pulse.php

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The main issue is that correlation doesn't equal causation (and the statistics used are right at the very limit of sensitivity) and there is no known mechanism for such low power energy to cause an effect.

I realize people have a non-technical idea of what energy is, but in physics and chemistry it is a very well understood concept. The amount of energy a mobile phone can put into someone's head is not enough to alter chemical bonds etc so currently science has no way of saying why there should be a problem, and the risk of false positives dominates.

People get tumours for mindboggling number of reasons and it is statistically impossible to easily prie them apart. The data just doesn't exist in enough detail.

Try these posts about the statistics of risk when probabilities are very low.


Selling Fear is a risky business 1

Selling Fear is a risky business 2

Selling Fear is a risky business 3


and especially this one on spurious correlations due to overfitting - it's a bit technical!

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If you have a mobile phone or are thinking of buying one for your 10 year old this Christmas you may like to take a look at the following link:




Cue Chinahand and the rest to tell you it's all bollocks...

Or someone to tell you that it's already been covered here http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/55732-switch-off-your-mobile-phones/page-3#entry845631

And basically the same thing from 2006.

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