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French Eu Vote

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Back on thread .. it now seems very unlikely the constitution will be ratified .at least not without causing a major rift in the EU ... and this would put at risk all the gains made in the last few decades.


Would anyone care to advise us of the gains for the Isle of Man under Protocol 3?


(Excusing of course the fact that europeans and other nationalities seem to be filling our shops and industries working for peanuts while there is a lot of Manx people on the dole.)

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The vote was against the idea of an enlarged Europe - the French in particular played on the "Polish plumber" stories - fear of losing jobs to those pesky foreigners.

I'm going to Prague* next week to redress the balance.


*with a blow torch and a wrench.

Errrr... when I last looked Prague was in the Czech Republic and a long way from Poland. But while you are there check out (sorry) E Flecku. There is also a traditional bar near the castle called The Black Ox of which the Czech escapes me for the moment.


Looking for pleasures of the flesh? Stay on the castle side of the river. Allegedly.

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The vote was against the idea of an enlarged Europe - the French in particular played on the "Polish plumber" stories - fear of losing jobs to those pesky foreigners.

I'm going to Prague* next week to redress the balance.


*with a blow torch and a wrench.

Errrr... when I last looked Prague was in the Czech Republic and a long way from Poland. But while you are there check out (sorry) E Flecku. There is also a traditional bar near the castle called The Black Ox of which the Czech escapes me for the moment.


Looking for pleasures of the flesh? Stay on the castle side of the river. Allegedly.



I know exactly where Prague is. I just don't know where my wrench is. Anyone know?


Thanks for the advice, but apparently we are only visiting churches and museums on this visit. It's what football teams do.

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Things that I learned about Prague.


Taxis charge what they like and at night and those in popular haunts like Wenceslas square add the date to the bill. As with some other places it’s a much better and actually cheaper deal to phone for a radio cab – the taxi cab answering services all speak American and so can understand some English, what’s more there’s some regulation of radio cabs and you’re not going to get into a mobile ‘muging-haus’ which is what those that you hail from the street sometimes turn out to be.


Pick pockets are everywhere. They are one of Prague’s most best known tourist experiences.


You wanna buy a woman? A girl? A boy? Something exotic? Then visit Perlovka street. It and its close environs are the red light district of Prague.


And a ‘silly old Rog tip' when going somewhere ‘iff-ey’ -----


At some point when you won’t need them for a couple of days report your credit cards as being lost or eaten by rabid dog or wife or something. When the replacements come keep them in a small separate wallet but keep your now invalid credit card in your ‘normal’ wallet so if or when you do get mugged and get told to hand over your plastic, you can then hand over the now invalid card whilst keeping your ‘real’ card safe.


I always carry two wallets when going to bad places abroad. One to use and one to be used in case of crime. It has worked well on more than one occasion.

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i dontknow too much about"politics", that is to say,im interested,im just not a buff on the subject - i dont go out of my way to find out information if it is not presented to me, if thatmakes any sense. im what you might call "mr average" in political terms.


this whole EU/EEC crap seems nonsense. what i mean by that is this; the whole thing seems to be being pushed forward regardless ofd the views of the people who are actually in europe as a whole. France voted NON, Holland voted NEE,the growing sentiment in England seems to be NO.


Its true, i dont want workinghours reduced against my say so (or should i say, i do, but i want my wage increased to compensate for hours lost being hourly paid and all), i dont want some faceless beaurocrat telling me how bendy my bananas should be, i dont like the fact that fried breakfasts are a rarity in truckstops because an overweight politician has decided that truckers are overweight too.


what ever happened to free will? my ill informed perception is not telling me great things about "the whole Europe thing".



it seems to me that, regardless of mass opinion, regardless of the majorities who vote against, we will be absorbed into The United States of Europe, because thats what the men in charge want.


i do hate to sound all "conspiracy theorist" on this subject, but weve all done fine without a single currency, without central government, and without silly rules and regulations dictating whatwe can and cant do with our own lives. why change it?





well, that seems to be the opinion on the street as it were, i'll reserve judgement for a while.

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