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No complaints about being up late every night to feed the baby but ....

how oh how does one get back to sleep afterwards ?

Here I am 02:20 ... baby is fed and fast asleep again ..and I find myself wide awake and downstairs so I dont disturb my husband.

This happens nearly every night !! .. and I have never had sleep problems before .. anyone got any tips for sleep ?

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No complaints about being up late every night to feed the baby but ....

how oh how does one get back to sleep afterwards ?

Here I am 02:20 ... baby is fed and fast asleep again ..and I find myself wide awake and downstairs so I dont disturb my husband.

This happens nearly every night !! .. and I have never had sleep problems before .. anyone got any tips for sleep ?


I remember watching a programme on sleeping patterns or something a while ago, and if I remember correctly, once someone has been woken up completely during their normal sleeping routine, it will take about 2 hours before you feel tired enough to sleep again.


This link might help



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I understand how you feel Butterfly as am doing night feeds myself at the moment - baby is 11 weeks old, how old is your little one? I must admit I don't have any problem getting back to sleep as am so tired I just fall asleep again because I know my 2 year old is going to wake me up at 6am for the day anyway *yawns*

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