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Summerland Site For "commemorative Garden"-Yea Or Nay?


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Summerland wasn't actually rebuilt. It wasn't demolished. It was refurbished. Although there was obviously a new roof and that. The swimming pool was back in business in just a couple of weeks or so.


Why do people have to keep dragging facts back into these forums? ermm.gif

The area concerned was substantially different to its previous incarnation was the intent of the comment xmas.gif

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I agree they were both a tragic loss of life. The scales were in a different league and the causes have nothing in common. Auschwitz is already maintained as a memorial. Summerland was originally demolished and a new version built. That has also been demolished. There is a memorial just down the road to those that lost their lives. I do not see similarities.

Nor do I believe you 'feel' for the victims of either. I believe it more likely you think, 'Gosh, that's really terrible, really sad' and move on. That is not 'feeling' for the victims of either.


You're just flat out wrong and shouldn't presume to know how other people feel.


I have never even been to Auschwitz but a day doesn't go by when I don't think about it. I can very easily go and visit the grave of my grandfather as it's on the Isle of Man but I still feel the need to visit Auschwitz one day. But that's a whole separate subject and we should stick to the immediate matter at hand.


As for Summerland, it's somewhat less in my mind than Auschwitz, but it's really not something I casually feel bad about and then just move on. I still remember visiting the site which replaced it and recall the feeling and atmosphere of the place and that exact feeling and atmosphere is still there, even though the building has long gone. Any time I hear or read about the Summerland disaster, it sticks in my mind for days afterwards. The thought of building a new site there repulses me not because I have any desire for a memorial, and it wouldn't affect me in the slightest because I won't be visiting any new building there, but because I still feel the place has a negative energy there which won't be resolved by constructing a new building or apartments there. Something needs to be done to remove the negative energy before we can just spit on the memory of the people who died there and move on as if nothing ever happened.


Personally, I just can't see the site being done up any time soon. During a recession, it wouldn't make much financial sense to invest in such a thing, not when the island is chockablock with "for sale" signs everywhere. But then again, when the pinheads in the Isle of Man Government are involved and have access to taxpayers' money, anything is possible...

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You're just flat out wrong and shouldn't presume to know how other people feel.


Actually, I don't presume to know that, it was more of a generalisation. I do think that the majority of people who say they 'feel' for this, that or the other, are just using a throwaway word in a very glib way. The majority of people use the word in the same manner as people in the USA wishing others a good day - it is just an empty phrase.

I'm sorry if you do actually feel something for all of those victims, rather than just getting negative vibes. I am not sure how you can feel for all of the victims of Auschwitz, rather than some individual(s) and a general feeling of sadness, though. Still, only you know what is inside your head.

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  • 1 month later...

Let's get it right, the Summerland that so tragically went up in flames consisted of a concrete base structure of a couple of storeys, with the infamous Oraglass covered metal superstructure of about four storeys. It was this superstructure that went on fire and was removed leaving the concrete base structure on which the reduced sports and cinema complex was built.


The entrance to the complex from the concrete steps was the same entrance to the old Summerland and to the right was the open area where the kiosk that was the origin of the fire was sited.


Not wanting to be pedantic, but I thought it may be worth reminding everyone that the major part of the old Summerland remained and was used for over 30 years by many people with little compunction as to the events of 1973.

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As Gladys points out. The building just demolished shared exactly the same footprint as the original Summerland. It wasn't a new or replacement building and a lot of the old building was simply re-built or re-fitted around the charred shell. Funny that going in there didn't seem to repluse you too much TJ, but you think a new building would be replusive? The fact is that the old building was boshed up and re-used for over 20 years and yet nobody said a thing. But now its been knocked down people like you come out of the woodwork claiming that putting something new on the site is disrespectful, when boshing it up was even more disrespectful but you used the facility for years.

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As Gladys points out. The building just demolished shared exactly the same footprint as the original Summerland. It wasn't a new or replacement building and a lot of the old building was simply re-built or re-fitted around the charred shell. Funny that going in there didn't seem to repluse you too much TJ, but you think a new building would be replusive? The fact is that the old building was boshed up and re-used for over 20 years and yet nobody said a thing. But now its been knocked down people like you come out of the woodwork claiming that putting something new on the site is disrespectful, when boshing it up was even more disrespectful but you used the facility for years.

In fact the lower half of the building was identical to the original, some of the same fixtures and fittings were still in place. The upper steel superstructure is all that was replaced.
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As Gladys points out. The building just demolished shared exactly the same footprint as the original Summerland. It wasn't a new or replacement building and a lot of the old building was simply re-built or re-fitted around the charred shell. Funny that going in there didn't seem to repluse you too much TJ, but you think a new building would be replusive? The fact is that the old building was boshed up and re-used for over 20 years and yet nobody said a thing. But now its been knocked down people like you come out of the woodwork claiming that putting something new on the site is disrespectful, when boshing it up was even more disrespectful but you used the facility for years.

In fact the lower half of the building was identical to the original, some of the same fixtures and fittings were still in place. The upper steel superstructure is all that was replaced.

Correct, the Aquadrome never changed and that comprised the bulk of the structure everything else was built on. Everything else to do with new Summerland was just a steel frame built on the top of the old concrete shell. For that reason I can't see why people are now getting so irate particularly if they used the old building as some of the old rooms - particularly those behind the public areas on the top and middle floors - that kept some of the original features were spooky as f**k.

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4th January 2013 - MTTV with Paul Moulton (in Western Australia!) talking to a Summerland survivor.


manx.net mttv


There is certainly a misconception that another Summerland was built, rather than the existing building was refurbished. As summed up a few posts back by Gladys

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4th January 2013 - MTTV with Paul Moulton (in Western Australia!) talking to a Summerland survivor.


2014 not 2013 actually (yes we all do it some time this month, and you were just getting in early). Does this mean Moulton can claim his holiday against tax though? (Admit it, you all thought it too).

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4th January 2013 - MTTV with Paul Moulton (in Western Australia!) talking to a Summerland survivor.


2014 not 2013 actually (yes we all do it some time this month, and you were just getting in early). Does this mean Moulton can claim his holiday against tax though? (Admit it, you all thought it too).


As he states that he was on holiday I dont think he would be able to claim much if anything against his tax bill, give the guy a break,he is working on his holiday and handled the subject well I thought.

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Let's get it right, the Summerland that so tragically went up in flames consisted of a concrete base structure of a couple of storeys, with the infamous Oraglass covered metal superstructure of about four storeys. It was this superstructure that went on fire and was removed leaving the concrete base structure on which the reduced sports and cinema complex was built.


The entrance to the complex from the concrete steps was the same entrance to the old Summerland and to the right was the open area where the kiosk that was the origin of the fire was sited.


Not wanting to be pedantic, but I thought it may be worth reminding everyone that the major part of the old Summerland remained and was used for over 30 years by many people with little compunction as to the events of 1973


Another 20 odd minutes of "nothingness" from PM . I hope the rest of his holiday was more interesting.

Did I miss something in this non storey?. Can people not ever move on?.

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