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Summerland Site For "commemorative Garden"-Yea Or Nay?


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The memorial is to the people who died. That is right and proper to have.


What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.


It should be a constant reminder to everyone involved in such a project that will be used by the public that they as individuals should never repeat in what they do what others did and that caused what is such a stain on the Islands past.


Move on with things by all means but leave reminders of what people did wrong as at the very least an aide memoir for the present and the future.


We OWE it to the people who were killed by the mess that so many of the people involved in Summerland from conception to destruction to leave such a reminder.


There's an old Dutch saying ----- Een schip op het strand is een baken in zee which approximately translates to something like A ship wreck acts as a beacon for those sailing on the sea.


THAT is why the Summerland site should be preserved as a memorial in its entirety, and NOT simply 'redeveloped' for commercial gain.

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What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.


It should be a constant reminder to everyone involved in such a project that will be used by the public that they as individuals should never repeat in what they do what others did and that caused what is such a stain on the Islands past.


Move on with things by all means but leave reminders of what people did wrong as at the very least an aide memoir for the present and the future.


You will find that these memorials can be found in various forms of legislation including the much maligned Health & Safety legislation but will also include Building Regulations and Fire Regulations.


History is full of disasters caused by a human error of one sort of another. It is not enough to put up a memorial to those mistakes. What we need to do is analyse them, learn from them and establish how not to repeat those mistakes.

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A memorial for incompetence? Oh dear.


Well to be fair isn't that what we have at the moment? A replacement building was quickly slung up without any reference to what happened and then didn't last very long - at least in terms of what you normally expect from public buildings. That was then left for a while, demolished without any idea of what to replace it with and the space just sits there. It's a memorial to the incompetence and greed of those that caused the disaster and to the way that the Manx establishment will always do its best to prevent any of its members being held responsible for anything. There was also the callousness in which there seems to have been no memorial to the victims till 25 years after (and no decent one till now), by which time most of those whose failings and negligence led to their deaths would be safely retired or passed away.


Maybe the most fitting memorial would be to have those perpetual mottoes of those in charge of the Island painted or carved on the cliff:


"Lessons Have Been Learnt"


"Time to Move Along"


"Luxury Apartments for Sale"

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The memorial is to the people who died. That is right and proper to have.


What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.

What a load of utter bollocks!

I realise that, being religious, you approve of all the chapels/churches/cathedrals erected as memorials to all the incompetence and bad judgement of the invisible nutcase you call 'god' - but most of us have got past the feelings of guilt about everything that the church tried to instil in us and we'd really like to get on with our lives now, if you don't mind?

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The memorial is to the people who died. That is right and proper to have.


What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.


It should be a constant reminder to everyone involved in such a project that will be used by the public that they as individuals should never repeat in what they do what others did and that caused what is such a stain on the Islands past.


Move on with things by all means but leave reminders of what people did wrong as at the very least an aide memoir for the present and the future.


We OWE it to the people who were killed by the mess that so many of the people involved in Summerland from conception to destruction to leave such a reminder.


There's an old Dutch saying ----- Een schip op het strand is een baken in zee which approximately translates to something like A ship wreck acts as a beacon for those sailing on the sea.


THAT is why the Summerland site should be preserved as a memorial in its entirety, and NOT simply 'redeveloped' for commercial gain.

We owe it to the people?

Speak for yourself and for those who support your view, but as for me and reading comments on this thread, I think that the consensus of opinion on here is to keep the memorial garden as it is.

The garden does what it's supposed to do and that's to pay respects to others and should not be used for a political purposes or to point the finger at people in the past.

if you wish to contest, object or discuss what's happened, then by all means take your complaint through the right channels, but to use the garden as a grievance and a way of blaming others, shows IMO, a total disrespect for the dead and I feel quite disgusted by it!!!!!

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The memorial is to the people who died. That is right and proper to have.


What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.

What a load of utter bollocks!

I realise that, being religious, you approve of all the chapels/churches/cathedrals erected as memorials to all the incompetence and bad judgement of the invisible nutcase you call 'god' - but most of us have got past the feelings of guilt about everything that the church tried to instil in us and we'd really like to get on with our lives now, if you don't mind?

Why are you so afraid of Christ and his offer of salvation?


You may not love The Lord at this time of your life, but you should be thankful that The Lord loves you.


The assurance that "The grace of God can still be found twixt the saddle and the ground” but as you never know when you will fall from the saddle of life it's best not to rely on having the time or wit to seek salvation until then.


Best to keep very short accounts with The Lord.

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The memorial is to the people who died. That is right and proper to have.


What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.

What a load of utter bollocks!

I realise that, being religious, you approve of all the chapels/churches/cathedrals erected as memorials to all the incompetence and bad judgement of the invisible nutcase you call 'god' - but most of us have got past the feelings of guilt about everything that the church tried to instil in us and we'd really like to get on with our lives now, if you don't mind?

Why are you so afraid of Christ and his offer of salvation?


You may not love The Lord at this time of your life, but you should be thankful that The Lord loves you.


The assurance that "The grace of God can still be found twixt the saddle and the ground” but as you never know when you will fall from the saddle of life it's best not to rely on having the time or wit to seek salvation until then.


Best to keep very short accounts with The Lord.

Fuck off and take your invisible friends with you!

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The memorial is to the people who died. That is right and proper to have.


What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.

What a load of utter bollocks!

I realise that, being religious, you approve of all the chapels/churches/cathedrals erected as memorials to all the incompetence and bad judgement of the invisible nutcase you call 'god' - but most of us have got past the feelings of guilt about everything that the church tried to instil in us and we'd really like to get on with our lives now, if you don't mind?

Why are you so afraid of Christ and his offer of salvation?


You may not love The Lord at this time of your life, but you should be thankful that The Lord loves you.


The assurance that "The grace of God can still be found twixt the saddle and the ground” but as you never know when you will fall from the saddle of life it's best not to rely on having the time or wit to seek salvation until then.


Best to keep very short accounts with The Lord.

surely that's a joke post ??whatever.gif

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The memorial is to the people who died. That is right and proper to have.


What is needed is a memorial to all the short cuts incompetence, and bad judgement that was behind the incident.

What a load of utter bollocks!

I realise that, being religious, you approve of all the chapels/churches/cathedrals erected as memorials to all the incompetence and bad judgement of the invisible nutcase you call 'god' - but most of us have got past the feelings of guilt about everything that the church tried to instil in us and we'd really like to get on with our lives now, if you don't mind?

Why are you so afraid of Christ and his offer of salvation?


You may not love The Lord at this time of your life, but you should be thankful that The Lord loves you.


The assurance that "The grace of God can still be found twixt the saddle and the ground” but as you never know when you will fall from the saddle of life it's best not to rely on having the time or wit to seek salvation until then.


Best to keep very short accounts with The Lord.

surely that's a joke post ??whatever.gif

Not for a moment.


It is an absolute fact.

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The question is why has it taken this long to even talk about a garden ?


There is plenty of room down there and i for one would love to see some kind of area where relatives etc. can go and have a quiet time to reflect and remember.


I am actually disgusted that its not been done years ago, plus remember that little lad that tragically got killed down near there, you see people leave flowers and teddies for him maybe they could include him into the memorial.


People seem to be willing to forget these days, when really we have to think of the past more and pay some kind of respect to what has happened in that area.

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