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Summerland Site For "commemorative Garden"-Yea Or Nay?


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You may not love The Lord at this time of your life, but you should be thankful that The Lord loves you.


And where was the love of The Lord when the people died in horrifying circumstances in Summerland? What about those who survived but with major injuries and awful memories? Are you sure that is a loving Lord?


The question is why has it taken this long to even talk about a garden ?


This was the biggest issue I had with the whole thing. I was not on this world when the disaster happened but there should have been a memorial which could have been incorporated into the new Summerland. There is finally a decent memorial which I think is fine.


What I do object to is the land being used for yet more apartments when it has much more potential.

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The question is why has it taken this long to even talk about a garden ?


There is plenty of room down there and i for one would love to see some kind of area where relatives etc. can go and have a quiet time to reflect and remember.


I am actually disgusted that its not been done years ago, plus remember that little lad that tragically got killed down near there, you see people leave flowers and teddies for him maybe they could include him into the memorial.


People seem to be willing to forget these days, when really we have to think of the past more and pay some kind of respect to what has happened in that area.

What happened to the little boy? (edited due to bad spelling-sorry)

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Be in no doubt, Irishone, the general feeling of anyone who remembers that night is not to sweep it under the carpet or not to ponder on the lives lost or affected to this day.


The memorial is in each person's mind. We do remember it, many with far worse recollections than I have. For those who live here, that end of the prom is a memorial never to be forgotten. It doesn't matter what is put there, it just will not be forgotten.


As you say, there is now a more fitting memorial to replace the previous plaque. But, and I choose my words carefully, what could possibly be considered as appropriate? How do you memorialise so many lives lost and devastatingly affected? And, how many of those directly affected will take comfort directly from any memorial, no matter what form it may take?


Take comfort from the fact that you are not forgotten. Far from it and the grandest memorial will not change that; nor, in truth, will it inform future generations who have no first hand knowledge. Only those who experienced it can do that.


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There's an old Dutch saying ----- Een schip op het strand is een baken in zee

The dutch aren't that clever. There's another dutch saying about sticking your finger in a dyke...I'd never do that.

Thank you for sharing that Albert-it is good to know.

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A memorial for incompetence? Oh dear.


Well to be fair isn't that what we have at the moment? A replacement building was quickly slung up without any reference to what happened and then didn't last very long - at least in terms of what you normally expect from public buildings. That was then left for a while, demolished without any idea of what to replace it with and the space just sits there. It's a memorial to the incompetence and greed of those that caused the disaster and to the way that the Manx establishment will always do its best to prevent any of its members being held responsible for anything. There was also the callousness in which there seems to have been no memorial to the victims till 25 years after (and no decent one till now), by which time most of those whose failings and negligence led to their deaths would be safely retired or passed away.


Maybe the most fitting memorial would be to have those perpetual mottoes of those in charge of the Island painted or carved on the cliff:


"Lessons Have Been Learnt"


"Time to Move Along"


"Luxury Apartments for Sale"

Very well summed up!

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The question is why has it taken this long to even talk about a garden ?


There is plenty of room down there and i for one would love to see some kind of area where relatives etc. can go and have a quiet time to reflect and remember.


I am actually disgusted that its not been done years ago, plus remember that little lad that tragically got killed down near there, you see people leave flowers and teddies for him maybe they could include him into the memorial.


People seem to be willing to forget these days, when really we have to think of the past more and pay some kind of respect to what has happened in that area.

What happened to the little boy? (edited due to bad spelling-sorry)

Here are some links regarding the little boy:








You will note that there is no reference to Summerland, just King Edward Road and Strathallan Crescent. Here is a picture of some flowers at the site, which were put up soon after the accident, which I understand is where it happened:




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Can anyone confirm or not if the crane involved in the incident above was working on the Summerland site?


No it was not.

In reply to your question in your previous post regarding the accident and where it happened, why would Summerland be mentioned ?. There was no connection whatsoever (as far as I remember), it was outside the Termy Pub.


Furthermore, why rake up someone else's tragedy.

Summerland has GONE, MOVE ON.

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I heard from a good source this afternoon that Dandara have now bought the site.


Game over.


We can look forward to some smart "luxury" apartments. Lets hope the buyers do not have any sense of smell, the decaying seaweed down there can be a bit excessive.

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In answer to the Op's original question: I honestly don't believe that there's any widespread demand, or even support, for the area to become a memorial garden.

Development - virtually any kind of development - is needed to remove the blot on the landscape that it has become. In the absence of any potential funding from the government, selling the site would seem to be the logical, and possibly sole, option.

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In answer to the Op's original question: I honestly don't believe that there's any widespread demand, or even support, for the area to become a memorial garden.

Development - virtually any kind of development - is needed to remove the blot on the landscape that it has become. In the absence of any potential funding from the government, selling the site would seem to be the logical, and possibly sole, option.

Agree 100%

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It was mentioned by someone else and another asked for further details.


The teddies/fowers appear to be outside Summerland site. Or the Terminus Tavern Pub. Not King Edward Road though.

I do not know for sure where King Edward Road starts, but Streetmap uk says that that part of road is " Prince Albert Road"

I have lived here all my life and have never heard of Prince Albert Road blush.png

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It was mentioned by someone else and another asked for further details.


The teddies/fowers appear to be outside Summerland site. Or the Terminus Tavern Pub. Not King Edward Road though.

I do not know for sure where King Edward Road starts, but Streetmap uk says that that part of road is " Prince Albert Road"

I have lived here all my life and have never heard of Prince Albert Road blush.png



In answer to the Op's original question: I honestly don't believe that there's any widespread demand, or even support, for the area to become a memorial garden.

Development - virtually any kind of development - is needed to remove the blot on the landscape that it has become. In the absence of any potential funding from the government, selling the site would seem to be the logical, and possibly sole, option.


I'm not entirely convinced anyone would want to move into apartments built there. I'd be shit scared to sleep there at night.

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It was mentioned by someone else and another asked for further details.


The teddies/fowers appear to be outside Summerland site. Or the Terminus Tavern Pub. Not King Edward Road though.

I do not know for sure where King Edward Road starts, but Streetmap uk says that that part of road is " Prince Albert Road"

I have lived here all my life and have never heard of Prince Albert Road blush.png



>In answer to the Op's original question: I honestly don't believe that there's any widespread demand, or even support, for the area to become a memorial garden.

Development - virtually any kind of development - is needed to remove the blot on the landscape that it has become. In the absence of any potential funding from the government, selling the site would seem to be the logical, and possibly sole, option.


I'm not entirely convinced anyone would want to move into apartments built there. I'd be shit scared to sleep there at night.



You could always take one of those teddies to bed with you though whistling.gif

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