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Summerland Site For "commemorative Garden"-Yea Or Nay?


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The question is why has it taken this long to even talk about a garden ?


There is plenty of room down there and i for one would love to see some kind of area where relatives etc. can go and have a quiet time to reflect and remember.


I am actually disgusted that its not been done years ago, plus remember that little lad that tragically got killed down near there, you see people leave flowers and teddies for him maybe they could include him into the memorial.


People seem to be willing to forget these days, when really we have to think of the past more and pay some kind of respect to what has happened in that area.

What happened to the little boy? (edited due to bad spelling-sorry)

Here are some links regarding the little boy:








You will note that there is no reference to Summerland, just King Edward Road and Strathallan Crescent. Here is a picture of some flowers at the site, which were put up soon after the accident, which I understand is where it happened:


attachicon.gifFlowers - memorial1.jpg

I didn't know about this poor little boy, I really appreciate the links-thank you.

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Unless you're an embarrassing bus, tram or train masturbator the Manx have a pretty dismal respect for their own history, and we will probably end up giving the site to the lowest bidder to concrete over in some shit get rich quick scheme.


The existing Summerland memorial is crap and an embarrassment and we need to do something better, but on a small part of the site only, with the bulk of it used for something of benefit to the community.


The reality is though that it will end up as more wankers apartments, sold to tax dodging wankers, who have no interest in the IOM, and providing no benefit to anyone else but the developer that slings them up and who bought the site for sod all off the civil servants who are supposed to work in the interests of the Manx people.

A building which would benefit everyone, with the memorial in it's rightful place in a commemorative garden incorporated in the grounds? Would anyone object to that?

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Unless you're an embarrassing bus, tram or train masturbator the Manx have a pretty dismal respect for their own history, and we will probably end up giving the site to the lowest bidder to concrete over in some shit get rich quick scheme.


The existing Summerland memorial is crap and an embarrassment and we need to do something better, but on a small part of the site only, with the bulk of it used for something of benefit to the community.


The reality is though that it will end up as more wankers apartments, sold to tax dodging wankers, who have no interest in the IOM, and providing no benefit to anyone else but the developer that slings them up and who bought the site for sod all off the civil servants who are supposed to work in the interests of the Manx people.

A building which would benefit everyone, with the memorial in it's rightful place in a commemorative garden incorporated in the grounds? Would anyone object to that?


Money talks.

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It is sold.


You can stop posting now.

Yes No Tail I did notice your previous post ! I will continue posting a bit longer if you don't mind!


"Summerland Apartments" with a sea-view, aroma of rancid sea-weed AND room for a Memorial???

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when/if they get around to build their "super new apartments" I hope they make the directors live in them as a penance . They may well "compliment" the Skandia (?) building which resembles something out of legoland or "Trumpton" .

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Cant see Dandara erecting a granite slab in memory of a disaster in their super new apartments. Can you?

Anything is possible in this life! Who will build the apartments, will it provide employment for the Islanders do you know?


I have placed great trust in the following statement " I am sure some recognition will be made on the site when it is redeveloped " I don't know that it will take the form of a granite slab though.

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Cant see Dandara erecting a granite slab in memory of a disaster in their super new apartments. Can you?

Anything is possible in this life! Who will build the apartments, will it provide employment for the Islanders do you know?


I have placed great trust in the following statement " I am sure some recognition will be made on the site when it is redeveloped " I don't know that it will take the form of a granite slab though.

They'll probably just call them Summerland Apartments and be done with it.

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Unless you're an embarrassing bus, tram or train masturbator the Manx have a pretty dismal respect for their own history, and we will probably end up giving the site to the lowest bidder to concrete over in some shit get rich quick scheme.


The existing Summerland memorial is crap and an embarrassment and we need to do something better, but on a small part of the site only, with the bulk of it used for something of benefit to the community.


The reality is though that it will end up as more wankers apartments, sold to tax dodging wankers, who have no interest in the IOM, and providing no benefit to anyone else but the developer that slings them up and who bought the site for sod all off the civil servants who are supposed to work in the interests of the Manx people.

A building which would benefit everyone, with the memorial in it's rightful place in a commemorative garden incorporated in the grounds? Would anyone object to that?


Money talks.

I think it must speak in a language I don't understand,

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