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Summerland Site For "commemorative Garden"-Yea Or Nay?


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Cant see Dandara erecting a granite slab in memory of a disaster in their super new apartments. Can you?

Anything is possible in this life! Who will build the apartments, will it provide employment for the Islanders do you know?


I have placed great trust in the following statement " I am sure some recognition will be made on the site when it is redeveloped " I don't know that it will take the form of a granite slab though.

They'll probably just call them Summerland Apartments and be done with it.

Do you think so? -"I would like to see the site cleared the end of the name summerland and a bit of optimism"

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The lady organising the petition spoke very well and gave a good account of her case this morning on Manx Radio Mandate. It certainly made me think again.


I think there should be a fitting memorial somewhere on the site, but not the whole site.

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The interview can be heard here: http://www.manxradio.com/audiovault/MandateWED.mp3 and starts at 22minutes 40seconds.


I must say that some of the text comments sent to mandate were rather crass. (eg how can someone say Summerland was no different to what took place in British cities during the War, and they were rebuilt)

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The lady organising the petition spoke very well and gave a good account of her case this morning on Manx Radio Mandate. It certainly made me think again.


I think there should be a fitting memorial somewhere on the site, but not the whole site.


2000 signatures...and how many from the island?


You could get 2000 people around the world signing all kinds of stuff quite easily, from save the cattery to which is your favourite colour of dog.

Are you a fan of cats Albert? I am looking forward to visiting the cat sanctuary on the Island. If there weren't many signatures from the Island-why do you think this was?

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The lady organising the petition spoke very well and gave a good account of her case this morning on Manx Radio Mandate. It certainly made me think again.


I think there should be a fitting memorial somewhere on the site, but not the whole site.

She did give a good account of her recollection of a terrible event. But she didn't put forward a good reason for not developing the site and, in the end, resorted to the too oft' used 'money is the root of all evil' argument. If that is the case, then these objections should have been raised when the remnants of the building were rebuilt as a lesser leisure facility.

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If that is the case, then these objections should have been raised when the remnants of the building were rebuilt as a lesser leisure facility.


That's a bit of an unfair argument, Gladys. People back then didn't have the same opportunity to put forward their objections as they do now. There was no Facebook or online petitioning; there was no medium through which like-minded people living in different countries could join together and organise a petition. There were no blogs, forums or alternative news sources. There was no possibility of the general public being able to read the likes of Dr Ian Phillips's study on the Summerland fire. There was just the heavily censored, extremely conservative (and pro-state) mainstream media.

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Bollocks; do you really think people did not voice opinions and organise petitions, rallies, demos then? Did they not lobby their MHKs? Fair enough there wasn't the instant worldwide communication we have today, but people did have social conscience and consciousness then.


If the general feeling was that the site should never be reused then, that feeling would have found a voice. Or at the very least, there would have been some rejoicing when it was finally closed and demolished a few years ago.

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