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Summerland Site For "commemorative Garden"-Yea Or Nay?


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Hold on now Irishone, Cliff is articulating what many locals feel, apart from the last sentence and perhaps a little more directly than many would.


I think all locals who remember that night have huge sympathy and support for the victims, as well as all the local people who dealt with it and the aftermath, but as I said above, enough now.

Wrong end of the stick!!

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Hold on now Irishone, Cliff is articulating what many locals feel, apart from the last sentence and perhaps a little more directly than many would.


I think all locals who remember that night have huge sympathy and support for the victims, as well as all the local people who dealt with it and the aftermath, but as I said above, enough now.

I started this thread as I wanted to know what the majority of the Islanders really thought, I do not think any less of those who said they did not want a commemorative garden. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.(I have many friends whose opinions don't always correspond with mine) I have taken on board what has been said and there are some very valid points. I notice no one asked me what I wanted on the site. The point I was making about puting your real name to the comment was that when people usually sign petitions they give their real name and often where they are from,it gives credence to the cause does it not.(and you have to admire anyone who is willing to do this whatever the cause) Here on the forums people do not reveal their identity. Why is this?

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irishone/TJ, I would not support another memorial garden and would like to see something else covering an area that is an eyesore and a sore reminder to a tragedy that I would personally prefer to keep my thoughts hidden inside me.


i do not want to argue over remembering the dead or any injustice that some people have, but I too agree with Gladys and I personally do not want to be reminded of those dead as it somehow seems a bit creepy to me.


(regards your question irishone post 122) The forums give an opportunity for most people to hide behind fictitious names and are able to say more than they would normally and to me, allows a person to have more freedom of speech.

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Hold on now Irishone, Cliff is articulating what many locals feel, apart from the last sentence and perhaps a little more directly than many would.

I think all locals who remember that night have huge sympathy and support for the victims, as well as all the local people who dealt with it and the aftermath, but as I said above, enough now.

I started this thread as I wanted to know what the majority of the Islanders really thought, I do not think any less of those who said they did not want a commemorative garden. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.(I have many friends whose opinions don't always correspond with mine) I have taken on board what has been said and there are some very valid points. I notice no one asked me what I wanted on the site. The point I was making about puting your real name to the comment was that when people usually sign petitions they give their real name and often where they are from,it gives credence to the cause does it not.(and you have to admire anyone who is willing to do this whatever the cause) Here on the forums people do not reveal their identity. Why is this?

I am local and do not wish to see a memorial garden.


I will ask....what do you want and what is your connection to the site?


Regarding posters not revealing their identity, I assume you are not called Mr/mrs/ms I Rishone?



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Fair points Irishone, so what would you like to see there?


This is a discussion forum and the anonymity is attractive as it allows for more openness when posting given the small community we live in. Some posters do not hide behind anonymity, but it allows a more frank expression of views. Some do abuse it, often to be rounded upon by the more responsible anonymous posters.

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Here on the forums people do not reveal their identity. Why is this?


Because this is actually a very totalitarian society where expressing even the slightest opinion on anything which involves the interests of the government, the business elite or anything involving investment will cause you to end up with doors closed on your face. Most people have so internalised the survival mechanism of never questioning authority or criticising the elite that they don't even realise just how heavily restricted they are in their ability to speak freely.

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I have no problems with anonymity. A lot of people know exactly who I am. As a matter of fact, earlier this week I received a phone call from someone at the hospital concerning something I'd written in the 'problems at the hospital' thread. They'd worked out who I am from what I'd written.

It doesn't particularly bother me - the parapet's always been too low for me to hide beneath it!

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...earlier this week I received a phone call from someone at the hospital concerning something I'd written in the 'problems at the hospital' thread. They'd worked out who I am from what I'd written...

You're not hard to identify...you're the only Luton supporter left.

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The point I was making about puting your real name to the comment was that when people usually sign petitions they give their real name and often where they are from,it gives credence to the cause does it not.(and you have to admire anyone who is willing to do this whatever the cause)


I get that many requests on facebook & twitter, plus direct email's each week to sign petitions for this that and the other, I tend to be really selective and have to feel really strong about a subject, but I know many who will sign virtually anything and those who run petition often emotionally I could use one word, but I will use encourage everyone to sign it, and they do out of respect. One of the early media reports highlighted how many had signed worldwide? that is not reflective of residents whose Island it is.


I have said it before the new Memorial took far too long, but we now have it and it is most respectful and fitting. We will Never Forget those who list their lives, and think of those who lost loved ones, but it is time to move on and the site should no longer stay in the state it has done for far too long, it is a blight on the promenade to visitors.

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Hold on now Irishone, Cliff is articulating what many locals feel, apart from the last sentence and perhaps a little more directly than many would.

I think all locals who remember that night have huge sympathy and support for the victims, as well as all the local people who dealt with it and the aftermath, but as I said above, enough now.

I started this thread as I wanted to know what the majority of the Islanders really thought, I do not think any less of those who said they did not want a commemorative garden. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.(I have many friends whose opinions don't always correspond with mine) I have taken on board what has been said and there are some very valid points. I notice no one asked me what I wanted on the site. The point I was making about puting your real name to the comment was that when people usually sign petitions they give their real name and often where they are from,it gives credence to the cause does it not.(and you have to admire anyone who is willing to do this whatever the cause) Here on the forums people do not reveal their identity. Why is this?

I am local and do not wish to see a memorial garden.


I will ask....what do you want and what is your connection to the site?


Regarding posters not revealing their identity, I assume you are not called Mr/mrs/ms I Rishone?



Hi !! I think a lot of people know my identity from previous discussions about Summerland as I revealed who I was then. I won't drive the other members mad by recounting my story again!! If you want to read it, it is on the Summerland Fire Page-it was also in the paper.

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As a matter of fact, earlier this week I received a phone call from someone at the hospital concerning something I'd written in the 'problems at the hospital' thread.

See what I mean, Irishone? Every year is AD 1984 in the Isle of Man.

I do-Lonan and T.J. I hadn't thought of it that way before. I am a very private person (contrary to what you might think) when I did the Radio 4 Documentary last year I told no one- I didn't think I would be found out and I wasn't-until August this year, a journalist phoned my mum to get my contact details and spilled the beans! My mum always said she couldn't do an interview and as I have said before the fire was rarely discussed it was a very sensitive subject. Many people were shocked when they heard me on the radio for the anniversary this year as they had absolutely no idea what had happened, my mum-in-law has known me 16 years and she had no idea! Isn't there a saying-laugh and the world laughs with you,cry and you cry alone (or something along those lines) So I just suffered in silence. I remember reading 1984 many years ago and being filled with horror! possible Ruth? I can definitely see the logic of anonymous posting now! Are there any similarities to Animal Farm on the Island, is Napolean alive and well? wink.png (How on earth did they know who you were Lonan?)

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Why didn't those who wanted something to replace it over the last 40 years just buy the bloody site when they had the chance and take ownership of it? Oh no, back to the money thing again!

Should have asked those 2,000 signatories for a donation and then see what the real interest is. Anyone can write names on a bit of paper and more to the point against that way, is there any proof that each and every one of them hasn't signed it twice or more under a different name?


Bottom line is why should I pay for another site because of someone's problem to accept the original as a memorial site?

Why not just rip up and tear apart the original memorial site as that site obviously means naff all to you!!!!


Jeez..... fuming!!!

Are you willing to put your real name to your comment?

Der!!! The clues in the word that says Cliff!! No more clues!

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Make the area into 2 storey's of pay per 5 hour car-park at a cheaper rate than the rest with a discount card of using the horse tram along the prom.

Have the third storey as an area for a massive kids play area with child-minding facilities if needed, so that mums and dads can pop along the prom. The same area to have a basic tea/coffee area run by volunteers who want to do something with their time and meet and greet people.

Have the fourth floor as mini apartments and part of the roof area designed into a memorial garden but has to be maintained by those who want the garden in the first place.


So money made in car parking.

The horse trams get more customers

The basic cafe makes some money and people are able to meet and greet each other over a cuppa

The children have an exhausting time

Childminders make a little money whilst their mums and dads have option of watching or taking a break away

The mini apartments are reasonably priced with those overlooking the sea at a higher cost.

irish one gets the memorial garden and takes ownership of looking after it.


Just one version and I'm sure that there's people who do this for a living or even not, that could come up with something far more practical and cost efficient than mine, but for the moment, lets use it as a hypothetical working example and let's hear some alternatives or for's and against's this basic idea.

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