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Tv Repair - Samsung - Wanted


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Hi Folks,

TV on the blink here.

It's a Samsung TV with a red flashing light at the front and you can hear whirring in the back as if it tries to power up, then stops, then starts again.

After a while it does eventually start (By while 40 minutes or so)

Following a quick google it seems to be a regular problem with capacitors and is a simple fix - except I don't have the tools for it.

So looking for someone who can repair it/recommendations of who to go to.

Many thanks

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Had a chat with the bloke who picked it up.

They've been using same capacitor since 2005 ish and still use it despite the known problem.

If it happens to anyone else phone Samsung/Email them

They'll arrange for Waltons to pick it up and repair it on Samsungs Tab.

Good way to keep a local business running w00t.gif as inconvenient as it is for us samsung tv owners

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  • 8 months later...

I have a samsung bought from Walton's which has a habit of turning itself off then red standby light flashing for an hour or 2 then on for a while and so on! There looking £50 to come out and lift it, then £30 to plug in (must be diagnostics) to find source of fault, thing is tv just out of warrenty by 5 weeks lol. Have you a contact for samsung? Is it samsung uk? Over £950 for a tv that plays up after a year then pay for repairs, back to tescos tv's if this gives up the ghost

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I have a samsung bought from Walton's which has a habit of turning itself off then red standby light flashing for an hour or 2 then on for a while and so on! There looking £50 to come out and lift it, then £30 to plug in (must be diagnostics) to find source of fault, thing is tv just out of warrenty by 5 weeks lol. Have you a contact for samsung? Is it samsung uk? Over £950 for a tv that plays up after a year then pay for repairs, back to tescos tv's if this gives up the ghost

Stomp your feet about the Sale of Goods Act if that doesn't work. you'd expect a TV to last more than a year.
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Failing that there is an EU directive that states 'A two-year guarantee applies for the sale of all consumer goods everywhere in the EU. In some countries, this may be more, and some manufacturers also choose to offer a longer warranty period.'


You can try to use this rule if:

The goods were purchased no longer than two years ago.

The store will not provide a refund or repair because you are returning the item after their return period has ended, usually one year.

You are reporting the fault within two months of discovering it.

The goods show no signs of damage through your actions or misuse.


You may manage to get your refund on the basis of the EU directive, however, shops are within their rights to use the Sale of Goods Act as the definitive guideline instead.

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