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Murder Verdict


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Or maybe they'll [correctly] say: "Serves him right for invading our country!"


They certainly won't be impressed with a trial or prison sentence. These are the sort of savages who cut little girls' noses off for wanting to go to school. They aren't interested in due process.

Isn't it fucking AMAZING how it's always the people that the British army are fighting who are savages and brutes who commit horrendous deeds. For such a dedicated conspiracy headcase, it's amazing how easily you swallow propaganda.


I'm not taking sides on this. For me, it's not British Army -VS- Taliban; it's one savage brute killing another savage brute. The Taliban had every reason to attack the British soldier because he was occupying his homeland, and I'm not going to lose any sleep over a British soldier killing a Taliban.

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I wouldn't support what happened in any way shape or form but I wonder how the Taliban might behave if their country hadn't been invaded. Probably the same or worse. I therefore don't quite see it as their savage brute being just as bad as "our" savage brute. Just a thought.....

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So here is a question for all you keyboard warriors who are not bricking it under fire. How will the Taliban react when they hear about his conviction and the length of his sentence?


I think they'll be so impressed with how morally upstanding the British Army is that they'll realise the error of their ways, lay down their arms, dance around a camp fire and sing Kumbaya My Lord and chop off their nuts in homage to David Cameron's impeccable manliness.

Or maybe they'll [correctly] say: "Serves him right for invading our country!"


I wasn't aware that the UN had invaded Pakistan, or Iran, or Saudi, or any other Arabic country. In fact I'm pretty sure they haven't invaded Afghanistan either. Which begs the question why is it that all the Jihadist recruitment graffiti in places like Helmand is in Arabic and not the local Pashto?


I am forced to conclude, quite rightly, that the Taliban driving force in Afghanistan is not locally based but financed from outside. Initially the dirt poor Aghanis who had a mind to try it were paid $5 to fire an AK magazine at the UN forces. That has since risen to $10 and even more in the dodgy areas. But get this - the money didn't come from Afghanistan! "That's amazing" I hear you say....


Those pontificating in ignorance can get really tiresome...

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So here is a question for all you keyboard warriors who are not bricking it under fire. How will the Taliban react when they hear about his conviction and the length of his sentence?

How would they react if the story came to light and no action was taken?


Business as usual. After all, it's exactly their policy...

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The British soldiers in Afghanistan are career soldiers and, to that extent, are there out of choice. Being 'professionals' they should be upholding the highest standards and if they fail, should have the full force of law brought against them.


The MR coverage of the Remembrance Sunday service this morning covered an address by some cleric or other who recounted that when he asked his father or grandfather if he ever shot anyone in the war, got the reply that he had aimed but missed. Rather telling if you think about it. I am sure that would be the reply many ex-soldiers would give; being conscripts rather than career soldiers, they possibly couldn't stomach what they had to do and certainly couldn't acknowledge it to their closest, and possibly in hindsight to themselves.


BTW, can anyone remind me what the British army are doing in Afghanistan; are they fighting a war or keeping the peace?

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The MR coverage of the Remembrance Sunday service this morning covered an address by some cleric or other who recounted that when he asked his father or grandfather if he ever shot anyone in the war, got the reply that he had aimed but missed. Rather telling if you think about it.


It certainly IS telling. If you do not reach a certain level of marksmanship then you fail Basic Training and you're out. Of course, that's just not possible in a massed conflict as any conscript who didn't fancy having the family jewels shot away would simply get on the firing point and just blaze away in the general direction of anywhere.


Mind you it's really surprising just how many people can't shoot straight. It really is a skill and a discipline.


BTW, can anyone remind me what the British army are doing in Afghanistan; are they fighting a war or keeping the peace?


You explain the difference and I'll try and answer.

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