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A Favour Needed For A 94Yr Old Pensioner In Kirkmichael


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Would anybody be able to do a big favour for a Pensioner who cannot get out to the shops to get a loaf of bread cos of arthritis in his feet. If so then please message me and I will give his address. He will of course pay you for the bread.

Many thanks in anticipation.

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Just to be a bit more serious for a moment.

This is a sad indicator of one of the changes for the worse in our society. There was a time when someone in this pensioner's position wouldn't have found it necessary to seek help in this way - there would have been good neighbours keeping an eye on things and offering assistance when it was wanted.

I sincerely hope that there was some caring person who sorted things out. Maybe the OP could let us know?

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This is a sad indicator of one of the changes for the worse in our society. There was a time when someone in this pensioner's position wouldn't have found it necessary to seek help in this way - there would have been good neighbours keeping an eye on things and offering assistance when it was wanted.

I sincerely hope that there was some caring person who sorted things out. Maybe the OP could let us know?

The perception seems to be that people are less likely to be aware of others around them getting into these circumstances, and therefore, less likely to be any assistance. On the other hand, there are people expressing grief and sorrow for any event, by adding a comment on Faceache etc. It's like everyone is getting more remote, and will only interact in a virtual way at some distant point in the future.

And I also hope someone came to the rescue.

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Firstly, may I thank all who have read my post. Some comments may seem funny and others not, With this in mind I will give a bit more detail regards to the situation, The pensioner in question happens to be my father and Unfortunately I live 'across' Up until the end of September I have been visiting my dad every 3 to 4 weeks staying for a couple of days and taking him to Tesco and Shoprite to stock up his food shelves, I get him as much bread as he can get to fit in his freezer, Obviously fresh food like cabbage and lettuce and eggs don't stay fresh for long so he just about manages and he also makes do with Long life milk, with regards to tesco deliveries, I have done that for him but you have to make up at least a £25 order and that's a lot just for fresh stuff (he already has lots of cans etc) As for the suggestion of a racy well that is an expensive way to get a loaf of bread! And in case you are wondering why I haven't been over to the island since September , well it's because have been in a motor accident and cannot drive. I am hoping to get mobile again by early December and then I will be able to visit again, My father had no family on the Island and my mother passed away many years ago so that's me asking for a favour! Hope this makes things clearer,

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......I thought I was having a crap start to the week. On reflection, I'm not.

We have an old dear who lives around our way that we keep an eye out for, so can relate and sympathise.


Perhaps you should call Social Services, wouldn't they be able to help? Perhaps the local shop would deliver if you contacted them?

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