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Is It Art?


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Pretty much everything is art if the intention is to make art.


It blurs a bit with performance & video art. When do they end & theatre and cinema take over? When there's a narrative?


This is blurred further because it is also a political protest. But then there are tonnes of protest paintings that are clearly art.


So, it is art. I often think the arises when people don't like or understand the work in question, but that's ok, as Greyson Perry says, "You don't have to like it all". I'd go further, it doesn't even have to make sense to me.

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Grayson Perry's opinions are fairly common currency and the only reason he has a degree of fame is that he's a transvestite hod carrier from Essex who flounces around in women's dresses. The media loves him / her; he's a good story, entertaining, bizarre, a shape-shifter etc., but he's also a symptom of the modern art malaise. I've enjoyed many of Grayson's programmes for the BBC but he's a good self-publicist and knows how to play the narcissistic and neurotic art world at its own game, as he freely admitted in this year's Reith Lectures. He's his own work of art. If he didn't put on the slap and dress like a pixie I doubt he would sell f**k all.

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I do wonder if some of these "artists" are just "having a larf" . It's not that new, in the Tate Modern (South bank) they have displayed ,as art a tin of some artists excrement (I kid you not) to make matters funnier (IMO) they have 2 tins!!


I knew a chap in London, now deceased, who was a copyist who discovered that his patron was getting another copyist to add a signature and putting the works to auction and making a good return.


Long story short he decided to cut out the "middleman" and put the results of his labour to auction , he claimed not so much for the money but the joy of fooling the "experts" who he hated with a vengeance .


A few years ago I knew of talented cabinet makers who occasionally turned their hand to making antique furniture (not done much these days as 'brownwood' furniture is so cheap).


I'm told it is my misfortune not to be able to understand or appreciate 'modern art' , but I'm of the opinion that it's a bit like the "emperors new clothes"…………….. we were never told what happened to the little boy , if memory servesbiggrin.png

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