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Cameron Starts Banning Stuff On The Internet


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Safe to say Camerloon and Co screwed up on this one. Quite predictable when politicians with little clue of how things work make ill-informed decisions.


Best story so far is this one, though:



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Anyone who thinks this is about blocking, and not building up a list, is the one who is ill-informed. So I would say that in that regard, they know exactly how these things work. You're the fool if you actually believe they don't have a clue.


And anyone that thinks Tor is going to save them? Might want to look at a recent university bomb threat in the US.


If I was the Gov, I'd be quite happy to be seen as technically inept. That means the "smart" people who think they're getting around me are only giving me more rope to hang them with because I'm actually one step ahead of these people, they're just blinded by their own smugness.


You don't think they Gov dont' run their own Tor exit nodes? Think about that for a second...

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