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Sinister goings on in Lincolnshire




Would deffo make me jump a million miles but I can see the funny side to it once I've calmed down. Never have been comfortable with clowns.


Harmless fun or will it give people nightmares for years to come?


PS. How many mentions of MHKs before this thread runs out?

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I love a good prank but worry that approaching a car dressed like could easily result in an accident by a scared lady flooring it to get away or an angry bloke kicking off. Not funny or intelligent just intimidating and thoughtless. I hope they get their asses kicked.


This 14 second vid is my favourite reaction to jumping out on someone -




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Humour is definitely subjective. Whilst some would find the thought of someone being scared by a clown funny I found the clip of the student punching the scarer funny.


I wonder what it is with clowns though, why do they creep so many people out?

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