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Mandela Dead


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How I am sadder about Mandela than anyone else


(I cant take credit for this but thought it worth sharing)

Pass me the bucket, please.....
There is no credit available for that offensive and self-serving pile of do-dos.


Turning to the man himself; he was possibly the most influential figure of the latter 20th century and, certainly, the very embodiment of all that is good in humanity and a standard that we should all aspire to.


He obviously loved people as it was clear from his face every time he met someone new.



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Nelson Mandella will be remembered for so many things, his willingness to die for the freedom of black South Africans, his dignity and his humbleness and wish for reconciliation when he came to power.

He almost single handedly united a nation and influenced great change.


Why can't other leaders of countries torn apart by religios or racial division learn from him?

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6 days later and it is still filling the BBCs news coverage and other media too, although the BBC seem determined to really sicken people with it, including an excruciating Question Time from South Africa that was really painful.


This coverage is totally over the top and having a negative effect on his legacy.

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Israel's Shimon Peres says #Mandela "united an entire world."


Unlike almost every Israeli PM...


Looks like Roger Waters is saying what many think: Waters compares Israelis to Nazis


Roger Waters, despite being a brilliant musician, is a Jew-hating prick. Comparing the Israelis to Nazis is absolutely disgusting, insulting and he should be ashamed of himself. And I thought Syd Barrett was supposed to be the crazy one!!


But Waters can be forgiven since he probably gets most of his [mis]information from the BBC, an organisation which is on record as being biast against Israel.

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Roger Waters has done more than merely criticise Israel. At a performance not too long ago he had the Star of David on a pig. Anyone who has listened to Pink Floyd's Animals album will immediately know this is an inference to the upper level capitalists who run society, so it's clear Roger Waters is advocating the idea that Jews run the capitalist system -- which is simply a delusional and preposterous lie which dates back to Napoleonic wartime era propaganda. He's an anti-semite. If the shoe fits...

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