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Uk Mp's 11% Pay Rise!


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Yeah well, politicians do a really good job, running the country and all that, they're really important, and sacrifice so much of their personal life in selfless service to their country, they deserve massive pay rises while the plebs starve. Just like our own honorable leaders.

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This is just a PR stunt concocted by the UK civil service (IPSA is -- surprise, surprise -- staffed by civil servants, not politicians) as a distraction to keep us focused on the politicians instead of the civil service and their pay. The fact that a bunch of civil servants can call themselves "independent" is laughable. But, as usual, the people fall for it hook, line and sinker.

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I saw this link on the BBC site where the Parliamentary watchdog is expected to recommend a pay rise of 11% to politicians and will cost the public purse £4.6 million.


I know two West Country MPs who work exceptionally long hours and put the island's politicians to shame. A good MP is worth 74k in my book any day.

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What do they do though?

Do they just go to meetings, talk, shout, barrack each other?

Maybe travelling countless miles, eating good quality food, stay in accommodation at the tax payers expense?


What do they do, that a manager or worker can't?


(Just curious to see if there's much difference on a low paid worker and a higher paid politician)

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Think about it this way. Many people would like to see politicians paid minimum wage. If something like that were introduced in the revolution you'd only get landed gentry who didn't need to work at all (e.g. David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson...) becoming politicians. Either that or people who were otherwise unemployable.


I don't think MPs in the UK get paid that much really. There are too many of them though, so you could make this a cost-neutral exercise and give them an 11% pay rise and reduce their number by 10% down to 585.

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Think about it this way. Many people would like to see politicians paid minimum wage. If something like that were introduced in the revolution you'd only get landed gentry who didn't need to work at all (e.g. David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson...) becoming politicians. Either that or people who were otherwise unemployable.


I would prefer it if only the landed gentry who never have to work a day in their lives were able to attain high public office. Think of all the damage done to the British working class by nouveau riche politicians over the last 30 years. One in particular springs to mind.

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