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Santa Claus Is Not Real, Vicar Claims To Audience Of Primary School Children


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What does God look like?


What does love look like?


I can have love without a god, what does God look like?


I disagree.


'God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.' 1 Jn 4:16


I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with, but then again he seem to enjoy disagreeing so that's no surprise.


Back to the question, do you believe God has a physical appearance? If so, what is it?

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God IS real. Santa is a false deity in the pantheon of the cult of materialism -- right alongside Colonel Sanders and Mr Blobby.

God is imaginary. Santa Claus is probably another one of your grandfathers.


God is not imaginary. Comparing God and Santa Claus is just asinine.

If you're happy to believe in a deity who is as evil, treacherous, deceitful, insecure and psychopathic as the one portrayed in the Old Testament - best of luck.

Personally, I think it's the biggest load of bollocks ever used to con people into accepting control.


Lonan, I'm not a Christian, Jew, or a member of any other religion or cult, so I do not believe in the deity portrayed in their scriptures. I fully agree that there are reprehensible aspects to their scriptures and in the scriptures of other religions as well. The reason for this is clear to both of us: those scriptures were written by human beings. Although I wouldn't be so quick to characterise the Old or New Testament as having a singular theology. Each book was written by a different author in a different period in history. The Old Testament was written over a period of a thousand years and the texts of which it is comprised were not consciously written with an intention of being codified into a single body of literature. Even individual texts were redacted by later scribes with competing understandings of God and different beliefs. There are texts which have been put into the Old Testament which are socialist, where they really lay into inequality, injustice, poverty. There are texts which hold authority in contempt. There are texts which advocate obedience to authority. There are texts which promote a universal God of all the world, and then there are other texts which promote a henotheistic vision of God as being a tribal God of Jews alone. I really think people forget that this really wasn't written as a singular book but is a composite of texts written by all sorts of people over a thousand year period. Can you imagine if someone took bits of English authors over the last thousand years and shoved them into a single volume? I suspect it would be just as contradictory and you could find just as much good and bad. I don't believe in the Bible, but I also don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater and recognise that there are parts of the Bible which were ahead of their time and which promote things I agree with like social justice; but I'm not going to pretend there aren't other parts which completely repulse me. The individual texts need to be taken, read and judged on their own merit, and not lumped together, because taking "the Bible" as a single volume is wrong and any conclusions that come from such an exercise will have little resemblence to the intention of the individual authors.

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I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with, but then again he seem to enjoy disagreeing so that's no surprise.


Back to the question, do you believe God has a physical appearance? If so, what is it?


No, I don't believe God has a physical appearance or form. I'm saying God can only be perceived through metaphor. The image of a mother with child with unconditional love is the best metaphor I can think of for the God I believe in (which is not the God of the Bible or any other religion).

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I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with, but then again he seem to enjoy disagreeing so that's no surprise.


Back to the question, do you believe God has a physical appearance? If so, what is it?


No, I don't believe God has a physical appearance or form. I'm saying God can only be perceived through metaphor. The image of a mother with child with unconditional love is the best metaphor I can think of for the God I believe in (which is not the God of the Bible or any other religion).


Presumably still "God" as a supreme being though? A non-religious god is an interesting concept.

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Presumably still "God" as a supreme being though? A non-religious god is an interesting concept.


I don't know what a supreme being is? Supreme would be a given, but what is a "being"? I would say God is omnipresent (present everywhere) and can't be pinned down to a body, spirit or location -- things which would ordinarily indicate a "being" of some kind.

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