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Arriva Malta


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Just a little heads up to the I'll informed pushing for the privatisation of Isle of Man Transport.


Another Island Country, Malta, which contracted Arriva to operate it's public transport network is now without an operator. Arriva have pulled out, after harrasment from the Maltese People and Government/Transport Malta. The Government has been left to run the services, and can consider themselves lucky that all ex Arriva Stock, excluding the Mercedes-Benz Citaro O530Gs, have transferred to Government Ownership and that Arriva Management will oversea the transition to Transport Mala.


Malta will now have to decide; run a nationalised network, like the Isle Of Man, or a costly retender of Maltas Bus Services.


This could easily happen on Mannin. Some seem to have dilluded themselves into believing a privatised Bus Vannin would offer cheaper fares and better services. The opposite would be the most likely outcome, without Goernment Subsidy, and therefore with Government still spending on transport it'd be much better to retain full control. When services don't meet the unrealistic expectations of some, complaints to Government would follow, Government would then attempt to negotiate with private operator, and it would all result in the operator pulling, after Government enforced changes, leaving the Island without a service. And they could easily take their Buses with them.

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Just a little heads up to the I'll informed pushing for the privatisation of Isle of Man Transport.


Another Island Country, Malta, which contracted Arriva to operate it's public transport network is now without an operator. Arriva have pulled out, after harrasment from the Maltese People and Government/Transport Malta. The Government has been left to run the services, and can consider themselves lucky that all ex Arriva Stock, excluding the Mercedes-Benz Citaro O530Gs, have transferred to Government Ownership and that Arriva Management will oversea the transition to Transport Mala.


Malta will now have to decide; run a nationalised network, like the Isle Of Man, or a costly retender of Maltas Bus Services.


This could easily happen on Mannin. Some seem to have dilluded themselves into believing a privatised Bus Vannin would offer cheaper fares and better services. The opposite would be the most likely outcome, without Goernment Subsidy, and therefore with Government still spending on transport it'd be much better to retain full control. When services don't meet the unrealistic expectations of some, complaints to Government would follow, Government would then attempt to negotiate with private operator, and it would all result in the operator pulling, after Government enforced changes, leaving the Island without a service. And they could easily take their Buses with them.

That does not mean the same would automatically apply to the Isle of Man. If you actually read into the real issues surrounding this, they are mainly:


1) The government set the routes, the company did not, setting too many unnacceptable parameters for a private company to operate profitably.

2) The bendy bus problems


We can most certainly learn a lot from Malta's experience and government interference that caused many of the financial problems.


The last people we need involved with the buses here are government and the current management pulling £6M a year off the taxpayer.

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All these people saying it's already a done deal and Arriva are moving here need to remember one thing; Compared to Arriva's vast transportation business the rich pickings that running the IoM network would offer wouldn't even register on their business development radar. An average sized English town would offer more footfall and profit than this piddly rock and with government coffers dwindling there's not likely to be a substantial bung from government by way of subsidy either.

I am sure Longworth has tapped his mates up and already has his exit plan sorted for if it does happen but I'm sure we won't be having a beauty parade procurement process with all interested parties lining up salivating at the thought of all this profit.

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A good public transport system is one of the most important public services. It should definitely be retained in public ownership. Not only does it provide necessary services to many island residents and visitors, but it is one of the very few ways in which the government invest in something which is environmentally friendly.

The service should be comprehensive & affordable.

The current management team should be sacked immediately, Ian Longworth should be shot & his body hung from a lamp post near the sea terminal or airport as a deterrent to any other self professed experts from across who decide to move over here and make a complete bollocks of whatever they've been brought into run. Anne Reynolds should receive similar treatment & be displayed at whichever port Longwoth is not.

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Rest assured Arriva will have learned many things from the Malta deal. So I would agree, perhaps they might not even consider heading our way without substantial government guarantees.


However, there are dozens of private bus companies in the UK, and a serious independent and informed study should be undertaken IMO to outline and shortlist all possible serious options and business models.

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MANANNAN, on 08 Jan 2014 - 02:00, said:

Just a little heads up to the I'll informed pushing for the privatisation of Isle of Man Transport.


Another Island Country, Malta, which contracted Arriva to operate it's public transport network is now without an operator. Arriva have pulled out, after harrasment from the Maltese People and Government/Transport Malta. The Government has been left to run the services, and can consider themselves lucky that all ex Arriva Stock, excluding the Mercedes-Benz Citaro O530Gs, have transferred to Government Ownership and that Arriva Management will oversea the transition to Transport Mala.


Malta will now have to decide; run a nationalised network, like the Isle Of Man, or a costly retender of Maltas Bus Services.


This could easily happen on Mannin. Some seem to have dilluded themselves into believing a privatised Bus Vannin would offer cheaper fares and better services. The opposite would be the most likely outcome, without Goernment Subsidy, and therefore with Government still spending on transport it'd be much better to retain full control. When services don't meet the unrealistic expectations of some, complaints to Government would follow, Government would then attempt to negotiate with private operator, and it would all result in the operator pulling, after Government enforced changes, leaving the Island without a service. And they could easily take their Buses with them.






I totally agree with you about the dangers of Bus Vannin being privatised, however, my understanding is that it's the "corporatisation" of BV that is actually being mooted by the powers that be.


With regards to your suggestion that Malta is lucky to inherit Arriva stock, are you aware that this may cost Malta £50m?


Did you know that a certain individual was a consultant for Arriva's Malta debacle?


Did you know that our new Head of Operations was part of the Malta debacle? See link:


Arriva quote:

"Alf Lloyd is seconded to Arriva Malta for up to 12 months from the Arriva Midlands bus business in the UK where he is Operations Director".


Did you know that our new Head of Operations was also responsible for a major operational failure that resulted in a serious sanctioning by the UK Traffic Commissioner?


We have some very interesting links with Arriva's failed Malta episode, and it appears to me that individuals who have made monumental fuck ups in the UK but are matey with our Director of Transport, always have a well paid Bus Vannin job to fall back on!


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