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Ariel Sharon Has Died At 85

Thomas Jefferson

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Your objections to any objective comments about Israel, Judaism and the like is tiresome.


I don't see any objective comments on this thread, except my own.


I also don't see any objectionable comments on this thread apart from your own

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I haven't even said anything positive or even corrected anyone who has said anything negative about Ariel Sharon. All I've done is give credit where it's due to his military acumen -- specifically his role in the Six Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973). I have not even made any comments about any other aspect of his life or career.

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The ONLY obstacle that prevented Sharon from negotiating a lasting peace for Israel was that no one wanted to agree to peace with Israel.


Sharon was not a war criminal. It shows nothing but ignorance of the facts to say that he was.


Ararat on the other hand was a duplicitous and proven liar. A 'man' that firstly invented the 'Palestian' people and who then lied to them, exploited them, and used them as consumables in a series of conflicts that had as an objective nothing to do with the creation of a Palestine state, such a thing already exists in the former of Jordan, and everything to do with the creation of a new empire based on the defeated Ottoman empire.


It is sad to note that the support that Barack Hussein Obama aided by Camoron and The Idiot Embyo, Wee Will Vague has done more to promote the establishing of that empire dreamed of by Ararat and being presented a The Arab Spring. Spring? Start of what may soon turn into a nuclear winter more than likely.


Bibby Netanyahu in a speech given inYNY some time ago stated that "The Arabs don't hate The West because of Israel, they hate Israel because of The West" and he was absolutely correct.


The world has lost a great man and a man who actually did a great deal to deliver peace to Israel and her neighbours.


What many people who criticise the man and his actions know only what they have been fed by news media that is heavily biased against Israel and that the produce of journalists who themselves know little about the history and care even less.

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Rog! now there's a blast from the past


to be fair to him despite his acerbic nature and controversial views when I drove to Gambia 9 years ago he sent me a few nice emails full of great advice and gave me his mobile number in case I got into a bind out in west africa and he could help me. Lovely gesture from someone I never met/knew and didn't really talk to on the forums.

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I wish Rog was still about. TJ and Spook have nothing on him.


Nothing in what sense?


in the sense that Rog could whip a whole forum into a frenzy with genuine belief rather than sub par trolling and average opinions

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in the sense that Rog could whip a whole forum into a frenzy with genuine belief rather than sub par trolling and average opinions



Actually, I am careful to hold back on expressing my true opinions on here precisely because I don't want to be accused of trolling -- because I'm not a troll. I don't know why but every opinion I have seems to get people angry so I avoid expressing them. The idea that I'm a "sub par" troll is laughable.

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in the sense that Rog could whip a whole forum into a frenzy with genuine belief rather than sub par trolling and average opinions



Actually, I am careful to hold back on expressing my true opinions on here precisely because I don't want to be accused of trolling -- because I'm not a troll. I don't know why but every opinion I have seems to get people angry so I avoid expressing them. The idea that I'm a "sub par" troll is laughable.


so if you are not a grade a troll then you must be a sub par troll?

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so if you are not a grade a troll then you must be a sub par troll?


I'm not a troll of any sort. Period.


period period period?


well you do post like you're on perma pms

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