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Ariel Sharon Has Died At 85

Thomas Jefferson

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well you do post like you're on perma pms


You post like you're the arbiter of all things hip and trendy.


do I?


my word... I find that hard to believe

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no not really


please be careful as you may be knocked down in the rush of people clamoring to confirm that I am not hip and have never been trendy

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I think Rog might have been my favourite member of these forums. He got so many people so very very angry.


It's really not difficult to get people angry on here. All you have to do is say something true and which runs contrary to the lies they were spoon-fed in school and by their TV.


'Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune.' -- Noam Chomsky (it'll sound like it's from Neptune and it'll seriously piss them off)

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TJ, you're no where close to Rog and I doubt you ever will be.


Am I supposed to feel bad about that? I have no interest in trolling, it would be wasted on this forum.


You're not meant to feel anything, its just an observation based on reading posts by both Rog and you and seeing the general reactions.

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