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Ariel Sharon Has Died At 85

Thomas Jefferson

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how underhand


it's almost like they felt wronged for some reason


can't imagine why


It's pure hatred of Jews, that's all. There were more Jews kicked out of Arab lands in 1948 than there were Arabs who left Israel in the same year. The difference is that Israel integrated its Jewish refugees, while the surrounding Arab states refused to integrate its Arab refugees and instead chose to create permanent concentration camps for them and have kept it an open wound ever since.

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That's an interesting interpretation


The UN laid out a ruling that one side accepted and one side rejected..... so by playing nice and political with the big boys one side got all the pie

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This is all academic really. If anyone disagrees with Israel's right to exist, I suggest they band together an army and try and take on the Israeli Defence Force. Don't forget to write your wills.


the geo political equivalent of "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough"


this is why you have "terrorism"

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If anyone disagrees with Israel's right to exist, I suggest they band together an army and try and take on the Israeli Defence Force. Don't forget to write your wills.


You wouldn't suggest peaceful diplomacy?


diplomacy is for people who need to write wills clearly

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This is all academic really. If anyone disagrees with Israel's right to exist, I suggest they band together an army and try and take on the Israeli Defence Force. Don't forget to write your wills.

Oh dear. You pathetic little man.

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This is all academic really. If anyone disagrees with Israel's right to exist, I suggest they band together an army and try and take on the Israeli Defence Force. Don't forget to write your wills.

Oh dear. You pathetic little man.


If you're such a big hotshot, why don't you go and join Hamas instead of posting obvious anti-semitic innuendos on an internet forum.

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This is all academic really. If anyone disagrees with Israel's right to exist, I suggest they band together an army and try and take on the Israeli Defence Force. Don't forget to write your wills.

Oh dear. You pathetic little man.

If you're such a big hotshot, why don't you go and join Hamas instead of posting obvious anti-semitic innuendos on an internet forum.

Aaah, I wondered when the killer phrase would come out. If in doubt resort to the spurious racist card. I'd go to bed son....

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Aaah, I wondered when the killer phrase would come out. If in doubt resort to the spurious racist card.


I prefer the term "Jew-hater", really, because it precludes smartasses from coming up with A) the debunked Khazari claim, or B) the tired old "Arabs are semites too" line. Of course Arabs are Semites, but the guy who invented the term "anti-semite", Wilhelm Marr, had Jews exclusively in mind and he only coined it because it sounded more scientific than the traditional term for his ilk: Jew-hater.

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It really is a tedious and shabby tactic that, whenever someone refuses to accept that the state of Israel cannot possibly do anything wrong, the accusation of anti-semitism is hurled at them. Shame on you for taking your own thread to abysmal levels of inanity and name-calling, TJ.


It's not a case of "cannot possibly do anything wrong". Of course they can do wrong, but you people are questioning Israel's very right to exist. You're not just criticising a few government policies here and there. So, yes, I do think that's anti-semitic. I don't see you doing this to any other country.

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Have you ever been to Auschwitz TJ?


Save the bollocks and get to the point.


how rude


I was merely asking a question


I'd hate to live in a society where I wasn't allowed to do that..... you nazi

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