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Police Crime Figures Cannot Be Trusted


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Police crime figures lose official status over claims of fiddling




The gold-standard "national statistics" status has been withdrawn from police recorded crime figures following repeated allegations that some of the quarterly published figures have been subject to "a degree of fiddling".


Honestly not surprised there. Never forget the old saying: Don't trust any statistics you haven't fiddled yourself.


Who is auditing IOM figures? UK Statistics Authority or local equivalent? Or no-one?

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Police crime figures lose official status over claims of fiddling




The gold-standard "national statistics" status has been withdrawn from police recorded crime figures following repeated allegations that some of the quarterly published figures have been subject to "a degree of fiddling".


Honestly not surprised there. Never forget the old saying: Don't trust any statistics you haven't fiddled yourself.


Who is auditing IOM figures? UK Statistics Authority or local equivalent? Or no-one?

Careful now...you might get shot for that.

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Does it matter? and really who cares? Any statistic can made to look good or bad depending how you look at it


Problem is Thommo, politicians care about the stats and use it to justify future budgets, strategies etc. If the data they base their policies on wrong, it follows that the policies may too be wrong.

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