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£50 Sewerage Charge


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I remember the present representative for Malew and Santon who was such a bafoon at School he was an absolute clown then, and that has been proven in his track record when he was allegedly in charge of the former Department of Community Culture and Leisure!


Get your painter and decorators bib and braces dusted off Graham, because as far as Joe Public is concerned you will be needing them very soon, you have forgotten where you come from and your desire to become a Minister (oops former) shunned the people who put you into the keys in the first place.


Live by the sword and die by the sword!

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Echoes of RBS 'bailout' / no spending on Somerset Levels dredging?


Cue the BRADBURY POUND (notably absent from Hugh Pymm's commentary on BBC TV News Monday 27th @22:27 when discussing the August 1914 currency exchangeability crisis). Paper bank-bailout note issue basically replicated electronically in 2008 crisis.


Do a Guernsey? (Relevant generally also for sea defences buildup). But don't hold your breath...



--Chapter 7, including: "The Guernsey Market"






-- and elsewhere.


I've always admired the IoM for maintaining civilized standards like free public lavatories (unlike the squalor now prevalent in the UK) but does the spending squeeze explain the advent of Pay As You 'Go' loos on Douglas front?


I'm glad to see this post above from Panopticon, shows more people are waking up to the Fractional Reserve Banking scam, where banks create money out of nothing and lend it out at interest. Anyone who wants to know more about the BRADBURY POUND can check out the UK Column they have a live show at 1:00 PM weekdays or you can watch the recorded video.


UK Column http://www.ukcolumn.org/live


Some more on the Bradbury here: http://kentfreedommovement.com/profiles/blogs/currency-and-bank-notes-act-1914


It was replicated in the 2008 bailout but UKC don't seem to mention that [much], only referring back to the 1914 paper issue.


I'm not sure what's what with UKC, maybe they are over-extended or it's something else, but a while ago I noticed some dark murmurings elsewhere on the KFM blogspot site on this subject.


" A Phone Call to the Bank of England" on YouTube is entertaining, maybe even enlightening.

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I don't have a problem with the sewage charge, although it could have been rolled out a little more professionally. Get over it.

I do have a problem accepting the validity of any charge or tax which is levied in such a disproportionate and inequitable fashion as the current fixed charge per property is set. I'll get over it when IOM Govt levy charges fairly.

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I don't have a problem with the sewage charge, although it could have been rolled out a little more professionally. Get over it.

I have a problem when the democratically elected parliament effectively votes itself out of the decision making process so the wholesale increases can be introduced on a whim ! that is not what I voted for the village idiot for !

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Where are we going to find another candidate to fill the role of comedy MHK?

Better get ready for 2016 gang - god help us all..........

Meet the gang, 'cos the boys are here

The boys to take cash off you

high pay and pensions to help them on their way

by raising the taxes with a hey, hey, hey!

their ideas, and morals, they're jokes old and new

With them about, we all feel blue

So meet the gang, 'cos the boys are here

The boys to take cash off you


Boys to take cash off you!

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I don't have a problem with the sewage charge...Get over it.


You're in the minority here and you'll need a better argument than "get over it".


Even the Government agree it's wrong. And plenty of MHK's are going to be backpedaling at the next election.


I'm looking forward to some of the excuses; maybe even hear one or two that haven't been previously aired (?).



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Where are we going to find another candidate to fill the role of comedy MHK?


I'd like to propose a Newcomer.


What with Google airbrushing out any former 'irrelevances'...




Maybe the £120K +vat Bubble Gum Machine fiasco could be eradicated.


That being the case, I'd like to vote for Councillor David Christian MBE JP







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I don't have a problem with the sewage charge...Get over it.


You're in the minority here and you'll need a better argument than "get over it".


Even the Government agree it's wrong. And plenty of MHK's are going to be backpedaling at the next election.


I'm looking forward to some of the excuses; maybe even hear one or two that haven't been previously aired (?).



I would be looking for something like "I'm sorry I don't have two brain cells to rub together and the concepts of fairness, transparency and democracy are far too complex for me to understand" should be a vote winner for honesty !

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